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SMEs merger, acquisition, and sale to reenergize and growth track

SME Merger&Sale
Benefits of Merger and Acquisition for SMEs
We Aspire to Enhance the Contribution of MSMEs to the Indian economy and growth. As part of Growth Strategies for Indian SMEs, we advise Indian SMEs on how to grow their business. We help dynamic small enterprises- manufacturing, and service enterprises, across India in managing transactions like mergers/acquisitions, new markets, product/service diversification, joint ventures, marketing alliances, divestiture (partial or full sale out of business), and market penetration.  


Each transaction - alliance, sale, merging, is different and unique and needs to be analyzed strategically. Our team understands the same and assists SMEs the same.

Marketing alliances, purchase co-ops, merging, etc strategically lend a competitive edge to SMEs-  a 1+2=5 synergetic combination. 

Each merger/acquisition can take the business to an entirely different level, and enable a much bigger future development strategy. Business-to-business acquisitions/mergers can take years off the organic growth process and give the business a substantial boost, not only in profits, but also expose it to new business operations, technology, and markets.
“Synergy” is a term that is often used in the context of mergers and acquisitions. Synergy is the concept that the combined value and performance of two companies will be greater than the sum of the separate individual parts.  
Merging is a great growth strategy even for failed SME enterprises- we are specialists in that.

Importance of

merging in the SME sector
The study shows years between 2020 and 2030 would be watershed years of the Indian MSME sector. This community will either prosper or wither, spectacularly.  The wither and degrowth of the Indian MSME sector is not at all good for India. Because
The small and medium enterprises (SME) sector is expected to be the driving force for the Indian economy in the years ahead. The sector is expected to contribute $2 trillion and create 50 million additional jobs by 2024, as India aims to become a $5 trillion economy.

In the post-pandemic era, businesses- mainly, small enterprises, have had to rework strategies & priorities, and the situation pushed SMEs to find ways to recover and reinvent themselves to find a stable footing. 4th industrial revolution, growth of e-commerce, dropShipping, remote working, digitalization, cyber security norms, new customer interaction & payments practices, and a general expedition in project deliveries have been significant highlights- SMEs to find their specific dynamics.
Every stakeholder feels the positive rippling effect of marketing alliances, purchase co-ops, mergings, acquisitions, etc in the ecosystem. The alliance strategy presents opportunities for portfolio diversification, market expansion, increased R&D, higher levels of subject expert guidance, access to global operations, cost reduction, etc. When levels of competitiveness intensify, consumers benefit as companies try to gain their competitive edge through alliances and mergers.

Marketing alliances, purchase co-ops, merging, etc strategically lend a competitive edge to SMEs-  a 1+2=5 synergetic combination. The combined capabilities form a greater potential for expansion and growth. The speed-to-market benefits too.
In the industry, small enterprises' marketing alliances, purchase co-ops and merging witness the entry of new global companies, specialized talent, global market, big brand image, refined governance, and access to global funds are gained.

When the proposed alliance and merging integration is administered well, it helps the incumbents, the market, and the economy with more employment opportunities, R&D budgets, capital flow, increased return to shareholders, and growth opportunities. They are especially a boon to companies struggling to stay in the market but not wanting to sell their DNA.
To make the marketing alliances and mergers deals work efficiently, the participating businesses need to be clear on the strategy (overall expansion, market, revenue growth, logistic, talent pool, or geographical expansion). Eventually, it is the nonexpensive model for overall growth and increased operational efficiency. So,

The main reason why enterprises come to marketing alliances and merge is to broaden their range of services and products, reduce expenses, reduce risks, develop a brand image, and increase efficiency, growth and revenue by operating in a wider range of industries. Because there are no other easy options for small enterprises to sustain and succeed in this tough market.

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