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What is SerBizCoop?

It is an ideal project that brings remotely/homely working 1000+ small and individual business service firms, professionals, accountants, analysts, consultants, IT freelancers, etc into a platform to establish a "large professional business service enterprise" in a cooperative way. Simply, build a professional business service company in a way of unique cooperation and collaboration, where all employees/staff are partners, and partner-turned-employees can work from anywhere conveniently.  Freedom, flexibility, and better work-life balance are attractions. 

Interestingly, lacs of Indian MSMEs are on the way to transforming to industry 4.0 and growing to global. In this scenario, the scope and opportunity for professional business services, especially those who can provide a-z consulting, technology, and services to MSMEs, under a roof and brand, at affordable costs, are immense and highly demanded. So,
The upcoming new company is to provide a-z professional business services, including "consulting, technology, marketing, and services for growth aspirant MSMEs- mainly, for transition to business 4.0 / industry 4.0 and growing to MNC. 


How does this work?

No issues, 
Working from home remotely is perfectly OK.

It had proved by large IT and professional business service companies that staff/employees can perform from home remotely and serve better the clients, no issues, thanks to covid19. Only centrally operating, technology-assisted, professional coordination is vital.

In this proposed cooperative enterprise, business sourcing, order processing, service contracts, marketing, order delivery, customer services, ERP, cloud, training, etc, are centrally controlled like in a smart large enterprise. But, in this, partner-turned-staff can remotely workable from their local offices and own homes conveniently, like a self-employed or freelancer.

Yes, in this, remotely and locally working 1000+ small and individual business service firms, techies, 
professionals, analysts, consultants, freelancers, etc, cooperate to form a centrally managing smart and large enterprise- where all workers and staffs are partners and shareholders, and they can work from their homes or present offices.


The center-point of this project, 
This newly launching a-z professional business service enterprise is the working alliance, coordination, and cooperation of 1000+ remotely working small firms and individuals from diverse business services, like 
1. Micro and small professional business service firms, including
2. Business IT service providers,
3. Software service providers
4. Manufacturing process consultants 
5. ERP consultants
6. Business designers
7. Business/industry re-engineering consultants
8. Modern business-plan consultants,  
9. Automation technology providers,
10. Digitalization experts
11. Digital marketing professionals,
12. Creative services- Advertising and designing
13. Office/administrative support services-Typing, filing, sorting mail, entering data, and answering phones are
14. Marketing services
15. Referral services
16. Debt collection services
17. Market and other research services
18. E-commerce consultants
19. Tech services 
20. Business consulting firms, 
21. Client management services
22. Customer happiness services
23. Staff training services- latest IT, sales
24. Staffing services
25. Professional organizer services
26. Business information services
27. Interim management service
28. Purchase/buying service providers
29. Commercial real estate services
30. Modern industry/office construction/setup services
31. Interior designers/architects for businesses 
32. Maintenance service providers 
33. Freelance techies, 
34. Sales lead services
35. Analysts & consultants, 
36. Mompreneurs with business IT skills 
37. Homepreneurs with business IT skills  
38. Accountants, 
39. Finance services- Insurance, tax and risk management
40. Business legal service providers - lawyers etc
41. Business trainers, business coaches, mentors, 
42. Video and photography services
43. Public relation services
44. Printing services
45. Event services
46. Waste management services
47. Travel & tour services
are participating to form this large professional service enterprise network.
And in this new global start-up, all the participants are partners and shareholders, and they themselves are the workers and staff, and they work remotely from their homes or local offices conveniently. But, as a whole, the new enterprise shall be big, branded, and centrally managed.


Why such a cooperative project?

Synergy is the output.
Synergy is the output of this cooperation or alliance. In this, where remotely working 1000 micro firms and individuals unite to form a big enterprise but the result/power of the new enterprise is beyond that due to synergy from the alliance. Because, in alliance or cooperation 1+1 = 3, not 2.

It can often be challenging for locally working micro, small, and individual professional service firms,  small business service start-ups, homepreneurs in business service fields, freelance business service providers, etc to find regular business and cement themselves or establish themselves in this tight market. They often have to compete with medium and large professional companies that have much higher budgets, reputations, consistency, and employee power.

But, in this cooperative and collaborative way,  remotely working micro and small professional business service firms and individuals/homepreneurs like techies, analysts, consultants, freelancers, accountants, automation and digitalization experts, etc from the field of professional business service make a way that allows all the above small players to combine and bring together their expertise, skills, services, and technology to offer diverse products and services to client enterprises at an affordable rate, to have a brand image and likewise able to compete with any prominent brands. This address all problems facing remotely /locally working micro and small business service/technology firms and ensure regular business/work to them. Yes,

This project explores the advantages of cooperation and collaboration of remotely working many small business service firms and homepreneurs from the same field, mainly for mutual benefits and regular order in business. And explores the potential and technology we can use to collaborate/link with other like-minded remotely working micro and small business service firms. And possibly linking and bringing under a roof the individuals like techies, lawyers, accountants, automation and digitalization experts, IT experts, etc who offer diverse essential business services to MSMEs. The attraction is the above small players can work from their homes or work from present offices at their convenience, being partners of this company. 

Client-wise Merits.
There are a number of large players in the professional business service and consulting fields, for example, Deloitte, EY, McKinsey, TCS, etc, but their services are not affordable to micro and small enterprises (MSEs). In India, 99.5% of enterprises are micro and small enterprises, more than 65 million (6.5 crores) in number- huge. Indian MSMEs' or MSEs' modernization and "low-cost transition to business 4.0" are very important to the socio-economic development of India. Because 40% of employment, 40% of export, and 35% of GDP are from the Indian MSME sector- it shows the vitality of this sector. Moreover, today no other option for MSMEs than change to industry 4.0 > SME 4.0 to survive, compete and grow in this uncertain time. 

Opportunity & Scope of such a professional business service company, for serving exclusively MSMEs.

As challenging and costly as it may be, Indian MSMEs are realizing the need for automation, digitization, and efficient leadership of their manufacturing, supply chain, and marketing operations and getting closer to the needs of their customers. 

Opportunity & Scope of such a professional business service company, for serving exclusively MSMEs.
MSME is the backbone of the Indian economy, and socio-economic development and prosperity direct connect with the growth of the Indian MSME sector.  The success of Atmanirbhar Bharath, make in India, and the 5trillion dollar GDP is directly connected to the fast development and modernization of the Indian MSME sector. Because 40% of employment, 40% of export, and 35% of GDP are from the MSME sector. Please be reminded, that 99.5 percent of enterprises in India are from the micro and small sectors, its number is about 70 million- huge. Of this, 3.5 lac enterprises in the Small-scale sector and 69 million in the micro-enterprises while having a mere 10000 medium-scale and below 1000 large-scale enterprises. It shows the vastness of the MSME sector. 

As challenging and costly as it may be, Indian MSMEs are realizing the need for automation, digitization, and qualified leadership for their manufacturing, supply chain, and marketing operations and getting closer to the needs of their customers.

Lacs of MSMEs in India are preparing for industry 4.0 and now start to hire and appointing consultants and service providers to help them with the strategy and implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies and processes in MSMEs.  Moreover, remind it, professional business services to enterprises are an ongoing long process and have no end. This is a really vast opportunity.

Today, in this uncertain time there is no other option for Indian MSMEs than change to business 4.0 to compete and grow to the next level. Yes, there are only two options for small enterprises, adopt business 4.0 strategy and grow, or close forever. But, only below 5% of MSMEs are fully automated and digitalized while more than 95% are out, they need services. This shows the scope of professional business consulting and services to the Indian MSME sector.

The advantages of such a company in a cooperative way. 
Mainly, this company was formed and operated for the convenience, employment, and monetary benefits of its participants along with serving the nation to flourish. Such an informal cooperative is based on the philosophy of mutual help of participants. Participation instills a spirit of independence, cooperation, and tolerance.

The Main Purpose of such a Cooperative enterprise is
Usually, the benefits are the pooling of skills, the ability to source business centrally, centralized marketing and order processing, large and brand image, easy to impress clients, regular work, more return to efforts, regular training and skills updating, convenience to work from home, becoming empowered, and feeling like they are part of a meaningful company.

Ownership and Control.
This may have a unique ownership structure, where the company shall informal cooperative in working style only while under LLP in the official constitution to follow to include all participants being partners and staff. 

High return, high Profit/wage, best work-life balance, and conveniently can work from home are the notable attractions- to participants

In this LLP, 50% share in ownership and profit goes to participants while the other 50% to the promoter. But, 50% of remuneration/ payment receive from companies for the work done directly goes to that staff/work point of that work done. 25-30% for business/ central office operation costs, and the other 20-25% goes to the profit to divide among. So, in this system, up to 60% of the remuneration (bill collected from companies) for that work done is paid to the staff/partner of that work done while that in large enterprises is below 30%. And partner turned staff can work from their home or convenient places, that offer better work-life balance, 

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