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The UpComing

BIGROWTEC Consulting Pvt Ltd stands at the forefront of the modern business and startup ecosystem building, offering not just innovative consulting and professional services, but also fostering an environment where peer-group collaborations thrive. We are dedicated to creating a dynamic space that nurtures the spirit of new-age entrepreneurship, facilitating effortless growth through mutual support and shared vision. Our approach is to create a synergistic environment, a hub where entrepreneurs can come together to share ideas, resources, and expertise. This collaboration is the cornerstone of our ethos, aiming to drive forward a more prosperous and technologically advanced India. At BIGROWTEC, we are committed to initiating and supporting new businesses, startups, and innovative projects. These endeavors are carefully designed to merge cutting-edge technology with strategic alliances and visionary leadership, ensuring that each project not only meets but exceeds its potential. Looking ahead, we have a lineup of exciting projects on the horizon. These ventures are set to redefine the landscape of their respective fields, by leveraging the unique strengths of our collaborative ecosystem. Each initiative is a step towards realizing a better and more prosperous future for India, underscored by our commitment to innovation, collaboration, and excellence. Stay tuned for what's coming next.


Future Leaders Club

to Cultivate and Nurture Business Consultants and C-Suites- CEOs, COOs, CTOs, CFOs, ... to Guide and Lead Tomorrow's MSMEs- to Success

Get to Know
What is "Future Leaders Club".

At BIGROWTEC, we have a prestigious program, FutureLeaders Club, that is to cultivate and nurture new-gen executives -CEOs/COOs/CTOs, etc, a fast path to CEO via business consultant. How does this work? BIGROWTEC CONSULTING PVT LTD is an innovative consultant and strategist group in the fields of MSME scaling up, we are very focus on cultivating proficient leaders and executives who are able to lead to overcome all new-age challenges. Because, today, the main challenges the MSMEs face in India are inefficient leadership than lack of finance. So, cultivating industry 4.0 compatible new gen C-suites, like CEOs, COOs, CTOs, CMOs, CFOs, CXOs, etc, must and mandatory for fostering high-performing enterprises, institutes, and organizations, in both urban and rural regions in India. India has 50 million+ MSMEs, it means 99.8% Indian enterprises are MSMEs, in this 90% of MSMEs don't have able CEOs, or proficient leadership to lead in challenges and scaling up. We are trying hard to solve this leadership scarcity problem naturally through BIGROWTEC's FutureC-suites Club. Yes, noramally micro and small enterprises cannot afford full-time C-suites or they don't need. Whether full-time or part-time not matter but quality and skilled leadership is the important. In this scenario, we help enterprises to hire fractional or part-time executives affordably and effortlessly. At BIGROWTEC, we have a prestigious program, FutureC-suites Club, that is to cultivate, nurture skilled new-gen executives -CEOs/COOs/CTOs, etc, a fast path to CEO via business consultant. How does this work? First, we source, find and recruit energetic professional graduates, like MBAs, BBAs, B.Techs, M.Coms etc, who are ambitious and ready to do their own some thing big, Mostly freshers. We provide them a short term (3 months) training and offer business consultant job with a monthly income range 30k-70k. Along with provide tailored leadership training which help them to transform to efficient executives, CEOs/COOs/CMOs etc, by normally by 3 years. Remind it, that today, globally, considering income, reputation, freedom, and flexibility an independent business consultant career is too fit, great, and rewarding for professional graduates; there are no other careers to compete with this. The demand for efficient business consultants in the global MSME sector is huge. So, BIGROWTEC upbrings a professional network and community of modern business consultants who become future MSME CEOs. In our dynamic career ecosystem, BIGROWTEC takes the lead in arranging placements—whether for entry-level consultants or upgraded CEO/COO/CMO positions. The participants need not search and find employments, we facilitate the entire process. Hai young graduates, why are you waiting for low-paid un-secure jobs in this world of full opportunities? Why don't you start your own career, self-employment, or independent business activity?. BIGROWTEC's FutureC-suites Club call you to do some thing big in life.

BIGROWTEC's remote business centers' network.jpg

Business Centers' Network

Expanding Kerala's Business Ecosystem with Local and Remote Business Centers.

Introduction. BIGROWTEC is spearheading an innovative initiative to establish a network of 100 local and remote business centers across Kerala. This expansive project is designed to cater to the evolving needs of freelancers, remote workers, early-stage startups, and homepreneurs by providing a flexible and conducive work environment. Each business center, with a seating capacity of 150-200, aims to foster a dynamic and collaborative workspace that promotes productivity and innovation. Objective. The primary goal of this project is to create an all-in-one local business center that serves as a hub for startups, freelancers, and remote working professionals. These centers will not only offer co-working spaces but also provide full-time, part-time, fractional, or on-contract staffing solutions to both Indian and foreign enterprises. By doing so, the initiative aims to leverage the local talent pool, offering professional opportunities to the educated workforce in Kerala and facilitating their services to companies worldwide. Features of the Business Centers. #Co-working Spaces: Modern, fully-equipped workspaces that encourage collaboration and networking among the local entrepreneurial and freelance community. #Remote BPO Services: A platform for businesses to access a diverse range of professional services offered by the skilled local workforce, functioning as remote staff on a flexible basis. # Versatile Staffing Solutions: The centers will act as intermediaries, providing staffing solutions ranging from full-time to fractional employment, thereby catering to the varying needs of businesses globally. Impact. This project is poised to make a significant impact on the local economy by: # Empowering the Local Workforce: By providing professional opportunities that leverage their skills and expertise, the project aims to reduce brain drain and enhance employment rates within the state. # Boosting Local Entrepreneurship: The business centers will serve as incubators for early-stage startups and homepreneurs, offering them the resources and environment needed to grow and thrive. # Facilitating Global Connectivity: These centers will enable Kerala's workforce to render their services to a global clientele, thus fostering international business relationships and opportunities. Operational Model. Each business center will be owned and operated by a local entrepreneur, ensuring that the benefits of the project are directly felt within the community. This decentralized model not only promotes entrepreneurship but also ensures that each center is tailored to meet the specific needs of its local community while maintaining a uniform standard of quality and service across the network. Central Management and Professional Setup. Central Office: The Hub of Coordination and Support At the heart of this expansive network of local and remote business centers is a central office, designed to serve as the backbone for coordination, management, and support. This central hub plays a pivotal role in ensuring consistency in quality, services, and branding across all centers. It acts as a conduit for sharing best practices, resources, and operational strategies, thereby maintaining a standardized yet flexible approach to meet the diverse needs of the business ecosystem. Professional Setup through Cost Sharing. One of the innovative aspects of this model is the implementation of a professional setup achieved through cost sharing. This approach allows each local business center to access and afford state-of-the-art infrastructure, cutting-edge technology, and high-quality services without bearing the full cost individually. By pooling resources, the network can leverage economies of scale to provide a professional and competitive environment that rivals top-tier business hubs globally. This collective approach ensures that all centers, regardless of their size or location, can offer their clients and users a uniform standard of professionalism and efficiency. Sourcing Platform for Remote Jobs and Projects. A key function of the central office is to operate as a dynamic sourcing platform, connecting the vast talent pool within Kerala to Indian and international remote jobs, assignments, and projects. This platform not only aggregates opportunities from across the globe but also matches them with the appropriate skills and expertise available within the network. It acts as a bridge between local talent and global demand, facilitating seamless engagement and collaboration. The sourcing platform is equipped with advanced technology and tools to manage and streamline the process of job matching, project management, and communication. This ensures that both businesses and professionals can engage in a productive, reliable, and efficient manner. By providing access to a wide array of opportunities, the platform significantly enhances the employability and earning potential of the local workforce, while offering businesses a flexible and scalable solution to meet their project needs. Building a Large, Branded, and Professional Network. The overarching aim of this ecosystem is to build a large, branded, and professional network of business centers that is recognized both nationally and internationally. The brand will stand for quality, reliability, and innovation, attracting a diverse clientele ranging from freelancers and startups to large corporations seeking remote staffing solutions. Through centralized management, cost-sharing for professional setups, and a robust platform for sourcing work, the network will establish itself as a leading player in the future of work, setting new standards for co-working and remote business services. This comprehensive approach not only positions Kerala as a hub for global business services but also contributes to the state's economic development by fostering entrepreneurship, creating jobs, and facilitating the export of services. In essence, this network of business centers aims to empower the local workforce, stimulate the regional economy, and connect Kerala to the global market in unprecedented ways.

BIGROWTEC cold supply chain in India.jpg

Cold Supply Chain

to revolutionize
kerala supply chain

Introduction. BIGROWTEC is embarking on an ambitious project to revolutionize the cold supply chain infrastructure across Kerala, addressing a critical gap in the state's cold logistics and storage capabilities. Our plan includes the establishment of 15 multi-store cold storage facilities, strategically located to cover all districts in Kerala, complemented by a fleet of 100 cold carriers. Designed to support a capacity of 1000-1500 tons each, these facilities will not only serve as storage centers but will also feature dedicated areas for processing, packing, and exporting goods, like a mini food park. Objectives. Support Local Economy: Enable merchants, exporters, and farmers to store, process, and sell their goods at optimal times for better value, avoiding seasonal price drops. Boost Food and Medicine Preservation: Address Kerala's critical need for cold storage facilities to prevent spoilage, especially in a state where temperatures and humidity can lead to rapid deterioration of perishable goods. Foster Entrepreneurship and Collaboration: Each unit operates under separate ownership, promoting entrepreneurial ventures while ensuring collaboration across the network for mutual benefits. Why a Cold Supply Chain? Kerala, being a consumer-centric and climatically hot state, possesses less than 20% of the cold storage capacity it needs, presenting a significant business opportunity. Modernization of the supply chain is essential for sustaining the state's growing demands, especially in vital sectors like food and medicine. The Role of BIGROWTEC. BIGROWTEC offers comprehensive support from concept to scale: Identifying and training potential entrepreneurs. Assisting in business planning and securing funding through various means. Guiding through infrastructure setup, machinery sourcing, and navigating regulatory requirements. Facilitating connections with clients and customers for sustained business growth. Implementing system automation for efficiency. Throughout management support. Financial Overview. The projected cost for establishing each unit ranges from 20 to 30 crore rupees, depending on capacity and location. With the high demand and essential nature of cold storage services, each facility is expected to reach profitability within 10-15 months, with a break-even point at 6-7 months. By generating 16-25% profit margins, the investment is projected to be fully recouped within 5-7 years. Socio-economic Impact. The project is poised to have a profound socio-economic impact in Kerala by: Reducing food wastage and saving money through efficient storage and supply chain management. Enhancing the livelihood of thousands of small-scale farmers by enabling them to sell their produce at better prices during off-seasons. Positioning Kerala as a key player in the export market by providing quality processing and packing facilities. By addressing these critical needs, BIGROWTEC’s cold supply chain project is set to play a pivotal role in transforming Kerala's economy at the grassroots level, promoting sustainable growth and prosperity for merchants, farmers, and the broader community.

Working from Home



BIGROWTEC develops a mega collaborative ecosystem or informal alliance of 10,000 "home-based micro-startups" in Kerala. The niche fields are business consulting, digital marketing, remote staffing, e-commerce stores, cloud kitchens, tourism, retail, handicrafts, social media, dropshippers, etc. This project helps 10000 people to set up their own nice and beautiful business, even at their homes. The aim is to provide various online, hybrid, remote, and fractional services to Indian and foreign enterprises, institutes, and people, at a central system. Most of the micro startups in the ecosystem are home-based self-employments or freelancers with an initial investment of a mere 50k to 2 lac rupees and a workforce of 1-5 employees. Help the entrepreneur to earn 25k to 3 lac rupees per month depending on skill, field, time-spend, dedication, etc. The unique aspect of this project is 10+ ecosystems of peer-group startups, for example, a community of 1000 digital marketers or a community of 500 drop shippers. Each same group startups comes under a collaborative ecosystem and it has its central office and systems, which are maintained through the shared contributions of all participants. Each peer-group ecosystem helps to bring business, value position, recognition, and a brand image for its member startups, at no high cost. These ecosystems or collaborations are coordinated by BIGROWTEC, centrally, this venture operates like a modern self-help cooperative or collaborative community for the mutual benefit of its participants. It has a dedicated wing to secure work, assignments, projects, and contracts from across the world for all startups in the system. This ecosystem fosters a collaborative and supportive community of micro-startups, providing everything needed for them to grow and maintain success. The ecosystems guarantee business, brand, growth, happiness, decent regular income, etc for all micro-startups within it.

All Hands In




We specialize in upbringing, coordinating, and managing nationwide peer-group collaborations of like-minded small enterprises. Of course, whether small IT enterprises, manufacturing units, grocery stores, diverse retailers, restaurants, etc, help them to collaborate in all possible fields, so, to reduce costs in purchase, marketing, etc, and improve efficiency, brand image, and popularity. The attraction is this strategy helps even remote small enterprises upgrade and brand without incurring more costs. For example, 500 small restaurants or grocery stores cooperate in their purchasing, marketing, branding, etc, or 500 small manufacturers collaborate in their purchase, logistics, supply chain, marketing, distribution, exporting, etc. Imagine the wonders that small enterprises' purposeful collaborations can make. So, at first, such collaboration is for survival by reducing costs in all possible fields like purchase, logistics, marketing, etc. It is one type of pooling and sharing of resources, infrastructure, facilities, and management. After that collaborate to improve business, efficiency, brand image, and revenue. Today, in this tough and tight market, for smallers, peer-group collaboration is the only possible way to stay successful. We encourage informal collaborations in 1-Purchase- retailers' cooperative bulk purchase helps each to save up to 20% in purchases only. 2-Advt., marketing, branding & scaleup 3-Logistic and supply 4-Automation & digitalization 5-Staffing & leadership 6-Centralized corporate office (for pro services) The ultimate goal of smallers' peer-group collaboration is, first of all, to reduce costs in all possible fields, ease business, and increase the business revenue and net profit of each participant, so, the happiness of small entrepreneurs.





The company promotes two distinct Micro stores' network. The first is a network of 1,500 sales vans, each distributing over 100 types of daily essential nutrient-rich foods directly to consumers' homes. This direct-to-home model is a key feature. The second division is a branded network of homemade food delivery outlets known as Nutri Stores, which encompasses 2,500 delivery points. These outlets offer a selection of over 100 food items, prepared in more than 10,000 household kitchens by housewives and home chefs. 1- D2H HappyVan sale chain The company upbrings a van sales chain, containing 1500 vans, that sell 100+ daily-use essential nutrient foods- selling directly to homes is the highlight. The products sold are a variety of dates, nuts and dry fruits, seeds, special snacks, food supplements, protein bars, protein powder, special Nutri foods, health foods, etc. Why these products? Today, no difference of the poor and rich, all are health and nutritious consciousness. So, today, every household needs these products. In this system, the mother company buys/imports goods directly from sources like in a centralized cooperative bulk purchasing. Goods directly move from main suppliers to van salesman, no middle agents, so, the goods selling price is always the lowest, and products are original. So, each van in this branded chain can sell fresh and original goods at its lowest prices directly to customers. Each van halts, displays, and sells at 3 pre-fixed or assigned locations daily. Yes, this is the lowest-cost, stress-free, and most reliable self-employed opportunity for self-motivated people. Mother company supports by delivering the required minimum quantities of goods for sale to each van salesman's doorsteps, provides daily online and offline advertisement support, branding, etc. 2- The delivery chain of homemade foods Nutri-stores The company upbrings a branded chain of homemade food delivery stores, called Nutri stores, having 2,500 delivery points, that sell 100+ foods, prepared from 10000+ household kitchens, by housewives and home chefs. How are home food delivery stores? These are local delivery points for selling fresh diverse homemade ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook foods. Each Nutri-point is a 100-150 sqft area, a hygienic place, to display and sell purely homemade foods. Of course, these stores, display and sell foods that are prepared by housewives and home chefs in their own household kitchens who are in contracts to regular supply of selected foods to this food chain. The foods sold in Nutri-stores are prepared at household kitchens by housewives and culinary-skilled moms, so, purity, genuineness, and taste are highlighted, price is the lowest. The foods sold are a variety of biryanis, special local dishes, nadan healthy dishes, curries, cakes, special snacks, sweets, homemade pure juices, special homemade chocolates, homemade health supplements, pizza, rolls, Nutri-foods, pickles, chutneys, spices, masala, instant mixes, ghee, payasam, etc etc. These stores, only sell homemade foods and products. Why these products? Today, no difference between the poor and rich, Or city or village, all are health and nutritious conscious. In this busy world, people looking for convenience, taste, and affordability. So, today, every household prefers these ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook food products. HomeyChef comes across Kerala, with no difference of city or village. As a self-employment opportunity, this is the lowest-cost, stress-free, and most reliable self-employment opportunity for 10000+ people. Mother company manages prompt delivery of required quantities of goods/foods, for counter sale, at nutri-stores' doorsteps. They centrally manage regular online and offline advertisements, branding, etc. So, easy for all stakeholders of food preparing moms, and store operators.

Project -5


The "Last-mile delivery" service company

The upcoming network of 2500+ last-mile delivery hubs, local delivery hubs, across south India, mainly, for handling last-mile delivery and parcels of 10000+ e-commerce companies, online stores, and wholesalers, along with other business activities. Yes, considering India's huge population, vast area, ten thousands of remote villages, fast economic development, and most importantly very fast e-commerce sector familiarization increase the scope for the last mile delivery hubs- business opportunity is immense. Consumers' buying behaviors have changed, especially when it comes to online shopping. E-commerce, online shopping, doorstep delivery, and same-day delivery shall be normal and habitual by 2025 even in remote areas. Because today’s consumers expect a variety of quality products for cheap rates- and free and fast delivery. Today, e-commerce companies, online stores, home delivery merchants, drop shippers, online wholesalers, and shipping companies are facing the problem (in the last mile) of delivering goods and services- equally, in rural areas and congested town areas. That is why too many e-commerce companies limited their delivery to selected cities only- not entertain orders even from tier 2 and tier 3 cities. This is equally not good to companies and customers. 90% of e-commerce companies do not offer services in village areas, please remind in India 75% of people live in rural and suburban areas. So, the solution to solve the last mile delivery problem of 1000+ online vendors and e-commerce companies is to set up a local network of small warehouses and remote delivery hubs across the edge of the city limits and in remote villages- we do that.

 Delivery Bike
Arts and Crafts Store



        in India,

               Sell Abroad.

We develop a super chain and unique network of 1000-2500 small makers and crafters from across India. Of course, they are, mainly, arts, crafts, handicrafts, handmade items, special clothes, and special organics food/supplement makers. Of this, there are more than 250+ unique products/items. In this vibrant business ecosystem, we connect selected small Indian makers or crafters to foreign partners, where foreign partners are investment and marketing partners. In this, each Indian small maker produces/ makes / crafts items for his/her foreign partner/s, and marketing is done by foreign partner/s there. Of course, Indian partner/s make/produce and export as per foreign partner/s instructions. BIGROWTEC acts as a liaison, supervising, and controlling agent in India. Of course, we are very proud of the "make in India, sell abroad" project, which is compatible to Atmanirbhar Bharat.


&  Tech-Teachers

via informal collaborations

It is a proud project that make alliance or upbring like-minded 300+ professional colleges- mainly, small, individual, remote, private engineering, business/ management & commerce colleges from across India, into an informal alliance and cooperation. The alliance of 300+ colleges, to pool and share resources- to grow together. It is the mutual cooperation among colleges at the academic, infrastructure, facility, and management levels, to reduce costs in all possible ways and improve efficiency, performance, acceptance, brand image, and value position. Here, small colleges come together and become a large nationwide network and big brand. Why this? Today large and branded institutions are more accepted, popular, and successful- but smaller ones or individual institutes face challenges. And no other options for small colleges to survive and go ahead than this. TTeachers 4.0. At BIGROWTEC, we train, develop, and maintain a pool or new group of well-trained modern tech teachers. A group or pool of 500+ tech teachers, who become work-ready and experts through special training and continuous and regular skill updating. A fleet of modern teachers for working for group colleges, mainly, engineering, business/management, and commerce colleges, on a contract, full-time, part-time, or virtual basis. It ensures quality teachers and managers for all group colleges. Moreover, We develop a unique EduTech platform to use the skills of our trained modern teachers- which helps them to earn additional income. And this trained teachers' group undertakes the management of 25+ colleges in India and abroad, on contracts. By all means, we assure good perks, respected career, and career satisfaction to all group teachers and managers, life long. Because, More than curriculum or infrastructure, India faces a severe shortage of qualified faculty members i.e., modern teachers in the engineering, management, and commerce colleges. Today, quality faculty shortage is the major problem plaguing technical institutions in the country. A few reputed and large private universities/colleges can bring excellent teachers and managers to their institutes, by offering attractive salaries and other facilities, that are needed for quality modern teachers and managers to stay at an institution. But a large group of small, individual, remote, private colleges can't attract modern teachers and managers by offering good perks, and the related cost is not affordable to them. Only good teachers can make a world of difference in students' life, impacting everything from their classroom learning to their long-term success- job placement, depending on teachers. And standards, acceptance, and popularity of any institute depend on the merit of the teachers and managers there. Being ColleGems is our pride project, which brings 300+ private colleges into an alliance. It is fact, today, small private colleges couldn't attract/afford quality teachers individually. So, we search for and attract talented creative youths who are interested in the teaching field. We provide world-class "knowledge & practical" integrated training to transform them into modern teachers.

    Projects @BIGrowtec

Capital won’t make

your company

insightful and big,

but ideas, teamwork, cooperatives, alliances

and multi-channel may do.


At BIGrowtec, we have been upbringing distinctive projects i.e., unique and lucrative cooperative companies, in diverse fields which simultaneously support new entrepreneurs, existing enterprises, and national growth. Projects are always zero capital or lowest capital projects, but we explore the synergic power of teamwork, large co-operative group, and professional network, which is magical and rewarding. Of course, our real investment is to use the power of well-coordinated cooperatives, pooling and sharing resources,  alliances, and multi-channels in the purchase, sales, marketing, and everything. All the projects from BIGrowtec create high-income business and employment, for ten thousands of people. And each project works shoulder-to-shoulder with small-scale sectors and supports their modernization, growth, and globalization. Ultimately, we work for Atmanirbhar Bharath. We have been in the launching stage of the following projects 1-SerBizCoop 2-RetailX You may find a solid business cum employment opportunity here.

This company shows the miracle of togetherness, group work, and co-operative. Alone can do so little while together we can do a lot, easily. 
SerBizCoop is The Upcoming professional business service company in a unique cooperative way.

It is a great cooperative project for a large professional business service enterprise. But it comes up in a unique cooperative and collaborative way of remotely/homely working 1000+ small and individual business service firms, professionals, accountants, analysts, freelancers, etc.  The MSME sector is the backbone of the Indian economy. The number of MSMEs in India is 70 million (7 crores)- huge! Of this, 69.9 million are in micro and small enterprises. Interestingly, India and the Indian MSME sector are in the face of fast upgradation and modernization- because no other option to go ahead. Lacs of MSMEs plans to adopt industry 4.0, automation, and digitalization of the processes and grow to MNC. And they are looking for affordable consulting, low-cost technologies, and business services.   In this context, SerBizCoop the proposed professional business service enterprise is to provide a-z professional business services, including "consulting, technology and professional services, for 15000+ micro and small enterprises (MSEs) from diverse fields, at a time, for their transition to industry 4.0" and growing to MNC. The ultimate goal is to work for the upgradation and standardization of the Indian MSME sector through industry 4.0 technology- through thorough automation, digitalization, and marketing cooperation, and be part of nation building. For more details, visit concerned webpag

BIGrowtec I SerBizCoop the professional business service company in a way of cooperative a

A Branded chain of small retail stores
It is a "retailers' cooperative" for mutual benefits.


It is a retailers' cooperative, where 10000+ small retailers or retail stores unite for a cause- to survive and succeed in this tough and competitive market. Of course, this retailers' cooperative is essentially a grouping or alliance of independently owned businesses/retail stores that cooperate to purchase in bulk directly from sources and share among to enjoy huge bulk order discounts; and jointly engage in promotion, advertisement, marketing, delivery, logistic efforts to build a brand image inexpensively. It is not only beneficial but crucial today for unorganized locally owned grocery stores, home applies stores, hardware stores, furniture stores, garments stores, meat stores, and even local restaurants, etc. Why this company? New retail market realities, mainly hypermarket culture, branded retail chains, and large e-commerce companies, have created a lot of challenges for small individual (unorganized) retailers to maintain visibility, acceptability, and competitiveness in the market. Increased trend of multi-channel buying, widespread e-commerce solutions and reduced shipping time attract customers to e-shopping more than ever, no digitalization, and absence of virtual/e-commerce solution, Ineffective retail executions cause either deadstock or no stock, etc, are some of the most pressing issues that small individual (unorganized) retailers today are faced with. So, today, small individual retailers are struggling to create a safe shopping space and address the fickle nature of modern customers. In conclusion, it is upon brilliant retailers to consider all the scenarios/challenges and plan their strategy accordingly. We do that here by bringing a large number of small individual retailers into cooperation for lowering costs through cooperative purchasing, marketing, and branding. We advise retailers to be wise in their decisions in this uncertain time. For more details, visit concerned webpage.

RetailX the retailers cooperative and alliances for purchasing, marketing, and branding I


Last-mile delivery service company

An upcoming networkof 2500+ last-mile delivery hubs, each 150-300sqft stocking & delivering points, across south India, mainly for handling last-mile delivery of parcels of 1000+ e-commerce companies, along with other business activities.

The upcoming network of 2500+ last-mile delivery hubs, local delivery hubs, across south India, mainly, for handling last-mile delivery and parcels of 10000+ e-commerce companies, online stores, and wholesalers, along with other business activities. Yes, considering India's huge population, vast area, ten thousands of remote villages, fast economic development, and most importantly very fast e-commerce sector familiarization increase the scope for the last mile delivery hubs- business opportunity is immense. Consumers' buying behaviors have changed, especially when it comes to online shopping. E-commerce, online shopping, doorstep delivery, and same-day delivery shall be normal and habitual by 2025 even in remote areas. Because today’s consumers expect a variety of quality products for cheap rates- and free and fast delivery. Today, e-commerce companies, online stores, home delivery merchants, drop shippers, online wholesalers, and shipping companies are facing the problem (in the last mile) of delivering goods and services- equally, in rural areas and congested town areas. That is why too many e-commerce companies limited their delivery to selected cities only- not entertain orders even from tier 2 and tier 3 cities. This is equally not good to companies and customers. 90% of e-commerce companies do not offer services in village areas, please remind in India 75% of people live in rural and suburban areas. So, the solution to solve the last mile delivery problem of 1000+ online vendors and e-commerce companies is to set up a local network of small warehouses and remote delivery hubs across the edge of the city limits and in remote villages- we do that. visit concerned webpage for more details

LastEND the last mile delivery hub chain in India I BIGrowtec.jfif
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