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Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt Ltd is very proud to announce the launching of a branded chain of "Multi-Service Business Centres (MSBCs)" across India, with a vibrant vision of 500 MSBCs' network & IPO by 5* years, which is the first project in its collaborative scaling and branding series.

MSBC: The Local MSME Growth Gym


Dear Stakeholders, Beneficiaries, and Customers,


On behalf of Bigrowtec MSBC, I am writing to introduce you to a revolutionary initiative that is poised to transform the Indian MSME landscape, particularly in developing non-metro cities. Our network of Multi-Service Business Centers (MSBCs) offers a unique and comprehensive ecosystem and approach designed to empower local communities, businesses, merchants, and individuals.


Understanding the Need:

Over 90% of MSMEs and startups, merchants and freelancers in India require continuous and affordable professional and commercial service support to thrive in today's competitive market. This is particularly true in tier 2, 3, and 4 towns including developing municipal towns, where access to essential resources and services limited. Bigrowtec MSBC addresses this critical gap by providing a one-stop shop suite for all your business growth needs.

The MSBC Difference:

Unlike traditional business centers that offer limited services like co-working spaces, MSBCs go beyond. We provide a multi-service approach, encompassing:

  • Co-working spaces

  • Startup incubation

  • Remote staffing solutions

  • Fractional leadership services (part-time CEOs, CFOs, etc.)

  • Low-cost automation and digitalization technology

  • Internship, training, and skill development programs

  • Collaborative scaling services (in purchase, marketing, branding, etc.)

  • Global Capability Center (GCC) space and support


The Stakeholders and Beneficiaries:

Stakeholders (Colleges, NGOs, Local Bodies, Private Investors)

  • Partner with a socially impactful and commercially viable project.

  • Contribute to the development of your local community.

  • Earn substantial returns on investment.


Beneficiaries (MSMEs, Startups, Merchants, Freelancers, Students, Job Seekers):

  • Easy and affordable access to a comprehensive range of services that support their business growth and scaling.

  • Benefit from a collaborative and vibrant business ecosystem.

  • Gain access to affordable professional & commercial resources and expertise.

  • Enjoy exceptional networking, skill development, & upgradation opportunities.


The MSBC Advantage:

Our unique strengths set us apart

  • Centrally Managed, Decentralised Operation: This hybrid model reduces costs while ensuring quality and local responsiveness.

  • Focus on Non-Metro Cities: We fill the gap in business support services in tier 2, 3, and 4 towns, promoting local economic growth.

  • Affordable Investment: Launching an MSBC requires a minimal investment (₹60-75 lakhs), making it accessible to a wider range of investors.

  • High Profit Potential: MSBCs boast exceptional profitability (over 40%) and value appreciation due to the multi-service model and efficient operations.

  • Socially Impactful: We are committed to empowering local communities and fostering inclusive growth.


A Vision for the Future:

Our ambitious plan is to establish a network of 500 multi-services business centres (MSBCs) across India within five years, eventually expanding to global and reaching 1,000 centers by 2034. To achieve this, we will collaborate with colleges, NGOs, local bodies, and private investors to setup new MSBCs. Additionally, we will partner with existing business centers, co-working spaces, and local stakeholders to strengthen our reach and impact.

Join Us in Building a Brighter Future​

Bigrowtec MSBC is more than just a business venture; it's a movement for positive change. We invite you to be a part of this journey. If you are a stakeholder interested in partnering with us, a beneficiary seeking to grow your business, or a customer looking for a supportive business environment, we encourage you to get in touch.


Together, let's create a thriving ecosystem that empowers local communities, businesses, and individuals to achieve their full potential.



Bigrowtec MSBC Team

Contact Us


Mobile: 7907914151



center (MSBC) network


The MSBC: Well Explained


MSBC: What is it?

  • MSBC represents "Multi-Services Business Center", is normally 8000-12,000 sq ft in size specially designed budget business center, is setting in non-metro cities, i.e., in tier 2, 3, & 4 towns.

  • Each MSBC is the one-stop-shop to provide a line of professional and commercial services for diverse businesses of all sizes, mainly, to micro-small-medium enterprises and startups and freelancers, locally- affordably.

  • MSBC Network is the envisioned branded chain, the proposed network of 500 MSBCs across India, within 5-7 years.


MSBC: The Difference

Forget the old model business centers with just coworking spaces and Wi-Fi! Bigrowtec MSBCs are like the local superheroes by providing complete MSME scale up and business support services, everything MSMEs, start-ups, and freelancers need to grow, all in one spot.  MSBCs' "all business support services under one roof" approach shatters the old model of traditional business centers.


MSBC: The Multi-Services 

  • Co-working spaces

  • Startup incubation

  • Remote- flexible staffing (BPO, PeO, & EoR)-  to Indian and international businesses.

  • Fractional leadership (CEO, CTO, CFO etc.) services

  • Low cost automation & digitalization technology 

  • Internship, training, skill development, and recruitment

  • Collaborative scaling services (e.g., purchase, marketing, branding, management, etc.)

  • GCC (Global Capability Center) space and support to global SMEs.

  • Business club services



Solves the Real Problems.



A recent study found that over 90% of MSMEs, startups, and merchants in India—more than 100 million businesses—require affordable and continuous support to sustain, scale, and thrive in today’s highly competitive market. In the context of a rapidly growing India and a high-tech world dominated by AI and Industry 4.0, the need for MSME support is both socially and economically critical. Given that the MSME sector is the backbone of the Indian economy, addressing this need is urgent and essential.


Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt Ltd is a pioneer in collaborative MSME scaling strategies. We have been setting this innovative Multi-Services Business Center (MSBC) network to provide modern knowledge, tools, support, resources, technology, and services—all under one roof—to local stakeholders, including micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), startups, and merchants. These businesses require real-time, accessible, and affordable support to thrive in their fields. Bigrowtec understands the challenges and limitations MSMEs face in scaling, so we work with them to provide one-stop-shop solutions through MSBCs in a unique, cost-effective, and collaborative manner.



Impact and Opportunity

MSBC: The Objective

The primary goal of this prestigious project is to build a "nation wide network of one-stop-shop business centers". In this ecosystem, each MSBC is a local multi-services business center, business hub, and club for businesses, mainly, MSMEs, startups, freelancers, and remote working professionals. We envision a powerful MSBC Network, a branded chain of 500 MSBCs across India, within 5-7 years.


MSBC: Positive Local Impacts

Along with exceptional profit, fast community development is the core goal of each MSBC. So, there is time-bound tasks to each MSBC like

  • Creating over 150 direct jobs.

  • Supporting the growth and scaling of over 1000 MSMEs and merchants locally. In this ecosystem,

  • Each MSBC aims to establish 500 home-based businesses or freelancers

  • Nurture over 250 startups within the local community. Additionally,

  • Each MSBC will have to generate over 100-200 remote flexible jobs per year at that area. 

  • Enhance the local talent pool and community growth by providing yearly 300-500 opportunities in the form of internship, training, upskilling, placement, etc locally.

  • The business club services will offer 1000+ local small entrepreneurs opportunities to network, refresh, and be empowered, ultimately boosting the local economy and fostering community growth.

The impact and effectiveness of each MSBC will be assessed and evaluated regularly to ensure continuous improvement and success.


MSBC Network: Positive National Impacts

On completion of our envisioned 500 MSBCs across India, we have a big aim that to 

  • Empower and modernise 5,00,000 MSMEs

  • Nurture 100,000 new startups.

  • Generate 5,00,000 new new-era home-based businesses and freelancers.

  • Enhance 1000 colleges /institutes to next level.

  • Create 50,000 direct and 1,00,000 indirect careers (professional opportunities) for the educated workforce- locally .

  • Enhance the local talent pool and community growth by providing 5 lac plus opportunities in the form of internship, training, up-skilling etc.

  • Over 1000 Crores annual turnover and over 400 Crores net profit- by 7 years.

  • Literally help Indian entrepreneurial boom reaches tier 3 and 4 towns beyond metros.


MSBC: The Stakeholders

(who sponsor, invest, and manage MSBC locally)

  • colleges/institutes,

  • local bodies,

  • cooperative entities,

  • NGOs,

  • private investors,

  • Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt Ltd 

  • Existing business centres


MSBC: The Beneficiaries 

  • MSMEs,

  • startups,

  • merchants,

  • freelancers,

  • colleges/institute

  • students,

  • job seekers, and

  • local community


MSBC Network: The Powerful Ecosystem​

If each MSBC is little business universe locally which is generating 250+ careers and nurturing 1000+ enterprises, the MSBCs' network acts as national level complete business ecosystem and vibrant network to nurture ten thousands of local startups, transform ten-thousands of local businesses into success stories, and upgrade colleges and institutes to next level; ease of doing business, fast community development, and skilling and employing to 10000s- We envision creating over 50,000 direct careers and even more indirect opportunities by 5 years, local community growth on top of that would be a fantastic bonus. No doubt, considering the positive social impact and community growth potential, each MSBC becomes local brand, popular and the talk of the town.


Advantages and Challenges


MSBC: The Strengths

​Unique Centrally Managed -Decentralized- Model

(Hybrid Management).

  •  Each MSBC has Well-Developed Departments for One-Tenth the Costs: In today's competitive landscape, every business, regardless of size, needs proper systems and efficient leadership to navigate challenges. However, an individual MSBC typically cannot afford the budget to establish comprehensive departments like HR, finance, sales, marketing, IT, research and development, and international business, nor do they require full-time facilities. But for a network of 25-50 MSBCs collectively and centrally can manage shared departments, which  can provide high-level systems and modern leadership to each MSBC at a fraction of the cost—just one-tenth. This is an innovative and cost-effective scaling model.

  • Each MSBC has CEO, CTO, CFO, CMO, etc but the Costs Below One-Tenth!:  While an individual MSBC cannot afford to appoint separate full-time executives like a CEO, CTO, CFO, and CMO due to limited resources, professional and expert leadership remains essential. In the MSBC network ecosystem, a group of 25-50 MSBCs collectively share departments and chief executives. This approach allows each MSBC to benefit from the expertise and resources typical of a larger corporate environment. By sharing systems and expertise, costs are distributed, reducing them to below one-tenth of what they would be if each MSBC operated independently. This centrally managed departments and leadership strategy reduces operational costs by 40-60%, ensures professional leadership, improves process efficiency, enhances branding, standardizes systems, and ultimately allows local partners to focus on managing their centers and providing customer care without unnecessary distractions.

  • Multi services and multiple income stream: This is the core standing out strength. Compared to normal or traditional business centers, MSBCs (Multi-Service Business Centers) offer a wider range of professional and commercial services under one roof, is the main difference. This multi-services approach open multiple income streams and significantly increase business and revenue by attracting and retaining diverse businesses that need various services, no need to just depend on coworking space revenue like in traditional one. 

  • Focusing on Tier 2, 3, and 4 cities Towns, mainly municipal towns other than metro cities reduce competition, reduce operation costs, ensure availability of talent pool locally, and create a more geographically balanced entrepreneurial ecosystem than mega or metro cities.

  • Local partnership: Our business model that associate / partner with  colleges, NGOs, local bodies, cooperative bodies, private investors, etc, for setting MSBCs locally; this can lead to build trust, faster network expansion, wider community reach, and efficient center management.

  • Technology use: This ecosystem maximum use the automation and digitalization technology and upgrade it timely, in all possible fields- which reduce costs, speed up, and improve process efficiency

  • collaborative MSME scaling strategist: Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt Ltd, the promoter, is experts in collaborative MSME scaling strategy- along with low-cost technology, remote staffing, and fractional leadership support- attract diverse MSMEs to MSBCs.


MSBC: The Weakness

  • If over centralized, lack of local partner engagement and lower motivation may arise: So, we have developed a healthy hybrid system, which use technology maximum, to minimize this weakness, along with providing full authority to local partner/s to local decision making and  meet local needs timely. 

  • Scalability Challenges:  Centralized management might struggle to provide adequate support and resources to each MSBC/location, if a large network, may potentially hindering the quality and consistency of services offered. To solve this problem, we will divide each 50 MSBCs or a block of 50 MSBCs, to a central admin office, which may have separate leadership; all all 500 MSBCs under a super office.

  • Measuring Success and Impact:  Use various Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Quantifying the true impact of MSBCs can be difficult.  Metrics like the number of startups or jobs created might not fully capture the broader social and economic benefits. So, we have been Developing a comprehensive framework to measure the success of the initiative across various dimensions (financial, economic, social, community development etc) which is crucial to demonstrate each MSBC's effectiveness.



Management Overview

The founders are dynamic young professionals who graduated from prestigious institutions such as NITK and CET with consulting -business technology and analytical - work experience with major multinational corporations, including the Big Four. Each MSBC is managed by well-educated and experienced local individuals, ensuring a strong connection to that community. In its unique hybrid management model, centrally, the organization is led by a balanced team of both emerging talents and seasoned experts. The CEO brings over 25 years of diverse experience to the table and he is known business idealist, and the organization benefits from the mentorship of former management professors, executives, CEOs, and industry department officers, we try to blending youthful energy with seasoned wisdom.



Business Opportunity


MSBC: The Business  

We invite stakeholders like colleges, local bodies, NGOs, and private investors to open such a thriving Multi Service Business Center (MSBC) in own locality to create big positive social impact along with exceptional profit potential. In this Bigrowtec's vibrant collaborative network ecosystem, MSBC is a high standard, safe and secure, and highly social impacting business, and is the best business choice for individuals and institutes who want risk-reduced financial success by creating a positive social impact!


MSBC: The Investment

Launching a budget MSBC typically requires an investment ranging from ₹60-75 lakhs (excluding office space), depends upon its size and location. This makes it an ideal option for budget-conscious investors and social institutions. The costs include such as decor, furnishing, furniture, shared centralized operations costs, technology, launch expenses, and one-two months' worth of working capital.

Regarding office space and location, we doesn't targeting prime locations or the center of the city, nor do we opt for premium, costly spaces with high advance payments and rents. Instead, we opt for budget-friendly upper floors with parking facilities in the calm outskirts of municipal cities or developing towns.


MSBC: Net Profit (ROI) Potential.

The unique multi-services model, centralized professional management, focusing on tier 2, 3 & 4 towns with limited competition and a high demand, local partner influence, and a strong brand image serves to reduce costs and enhance efficiency; so, drive up high demand, minimize competition, and elevate highest occupancy rates, thereby leading to robust revenue streams and enhanced profitability.

An MSBC can anticipate net profits ranging between 40-60% of investment from the very first year of operation, so, returning the total capital investment by 2-3 years! Bigrowtec multi-service business center (MSBC) is exceptional profitable, minimal risk, and high social relevant business by its nature.


MSBC: Multiple income streams

Unlike to traditional business center, a Multi-Services Business Center (MSBC) has multiple revenue streams, like Subscription, rental, commission, service fee, retainer, profit share, share/equity, etc, generating profits that are two to three fold than those of traditional business centers, without incurring any additional investment. so,


MSBC: The Ideal Business Choice 

This affordable and integrated approach fosters a thriving business landscape; a great business chance to you to owner a MSBC; by doing everything centrally we empower you (the investor) to focus on what matters you most locally– center management and local customer care- to achieve your entrepreneurial vision as smooth and success.

If you seriously looking for a business of creating a positive social impact and community growth locally, with exceptional profit potential and minimal risk, you are welcome to OPEN a MSBC at your locality- success guaranteed even at recession!


MSBC: Boost the Local Economy & Community.

  • Build powerful business ecosystem like peer group collaborations, to help local MSMEs to modernize, professionalize, empower, and scale up.

  • Nurture 100s of startups and new businesses, locally.

  • Promote home-based professional business culture, or "a business for every house" program.

  • Empowering the Local Workforce: by providing professional opportunities that leverage their skills and expertise.

  • Facilitating Global Connectivity: These MSBC centers will enable and help local workforce to render their services to Indian and foreign clientele/enterprises, in a full-time, fractional, part-time, on contract or freelance mode, remotely, thus fostering international job, business relationships and opportunities.

  • Develop powerful Gig ecosystem and Freelance work culture locally..


MSBC: Little Business Universe

Each MSBC is a bustling business hub of that locality and like its own little business universe, offering a range of services, complete professional and commercial services, that help all kinds of enterprises, startups, freelancers, and job seekers succeed; each MSBC generate over 250 careers locally! The best part? It's all done in a cost-effective and collaborative way, encouraging everyone to work together.



Operational Model.

Each MSBC will be locally owned and managed by the local entrepreneur/ investor, or NGO, or Institute that ensuring the best community link and customer service, so, the benefits of the project are directly felt within the community. This centrally managed decentralized model, i.e., the new-era hybrid model,  not only substantially reduces costs and promotes entrepreneurship but also ensures that each center is tailored to meet the specific needs of its local community while maintaining a uniform standard in quality, services, strategy, and leadership across the network.


So, this initiative represents a forward-thinking approach- a way to the bright future. By creating hubs that support facility, flexibility, collaboration, and global connectivity, this project is set to benefiting both the local economy, Indian economy, and the global business landscape along with exceptional profit and recognition to investor/s. This business model explore the economies of scale via one-stop-shop for multi-services and the hybrid management- both reduces costs substantially and improve efficiency and standards without incurring more investments,  are the USP set us apart. 


Marketing Strategy 

Success in business is largely determined by marketing strategy and client engagement methods. MSBC serves a diverse and often fragmented clientele, including MSMEs, startups, institutes, freelancers, and merchants. Our comprehensive services extend beyond one-time engagements, embodying a peer collaboration strategy where we work shoulder-to-shoulder with each client for the long term.


In alignment with this approach, Bigrowtec aims to become a renowned MSME conference company in India, enhancing client outreach through diplomatic means. As the co-owner of MSBC, Bigrowtec plans to organize and coordinate annual MSME business and technology events in tier 2, 3, and 4 cities under the "Bigrowtec Conference" banner. These conferences, in partnership with educational institutions, local bodies, government development agencies, community development NGOs, technology companies, merchants, B2B enterprises, and industrial organizations, will attract diverse participants from the locality, including diverse MSMEs, merchants, institutes, NGOs, freelancers, job seekers, and students. This will enable us to reach clients diplomatically, leveraging both online and offline promotions.


This strategy not only positions us as leaders in the development and modernization of non-metro cities but also fosters community growth and facilitates the scaling and globalization of MSMEs. Our innovative and unique marketing strategy ensures that we stand out in the industry.



Network Project Phases-


  • Year 1: Within 12 months establish and stabilize the first 25 MSBCs in Kerala.

  • Year 2: Within 24 months expand to 100 MSBCs.

  • Year 3: Within 36 months expand to reach 200-250 MSBCs.

  • Year 3-5-7: Continue expansion to achieve a network of 500+ MSBCs, across India, being the leader. 

  • Our long term vision is 1000 MSBCs' powerful network by 2034; and expand the network to outside India.


Achieving the milestones

Achieving the target of 1,000 Multi-Service Business Centers (MSBCs) within 10 years is undoubtedly a challenging ambitious goal. However, our strategy is to streamline this endeavor by integrating with hundreds of existing  traditional business centers and co-working spaces throughout India, along with establishing new MSBCs by partnering with colleges, institutions, local bodies, NGOs, and private investors. Existing traditional co-working spaces need our support to scale up, diversify, and improve their revenue without incurring additional investment, it makes task easy. This dual collaborative approach simplifies the task and renders our ambitious goal attainable.


Let Bigrowtec MSBC be your springboard to success. Read more below. Or contact us for a project discussion.


Do good: Do well! 
Bigrowtec MSBC is a Great business Choice for Socially Conscious Human Beings and Social Institutes Who Want Financial Success only by Creating a Positive Social Impact and Community Growth!

MSBC Business Model:

Offers a potential avenue for socially conscious private investors, social institutions like colleges, NGOs, etc, and local bodies, to achieve financial success while creating a positive ripple effect and growth in their communities.  Yes, 


Community-Oriented Business

Beyond just profitability, Bigrowtec MSBCs hold the potential to become powerful social engines within their localities or communities. Each MSBC fosters a vibrant ecosystem by nurturing hundreds of startups, providing the tools and support they need to launch and flourish. help 100s of local businesses to transform to success stories, also benefit from Bigrowtec's expertise, allowing them to network, scale up, and achieve greater success. Guide colleges/institutes to upgrade to next level, ease of doing business locally, and fast community development.  


But the impact goes beyond businesses. By offering training and recruitment services, MSBCs connect students and job seekers with valuable skills and employment opportunities. This focus on empowering local talent strengthens the community's overall economic well-being, solidifying Bigrowtec MSBCs not just as profitable ventures, but as social enterprises driving positive change at the grassroots level. MSBCs stand out from traditional business centers, because,


The MSBC Vs Traditional BC

While traditional business centers provide mere co-working spaces, MSBC provides a line of business support services.

MSBC solves the major problems faced by the local MSMEs, mainly their limited resources and lack of support and expertise, all under one roof. Each MSBC is a highly demanded and non-competitive entity in tier 2, 3, and 4 towns considering its noble services. That makes the MSBC network a complete business ecosystem. For a small business or startup no need to approach anyone else to scale up if MSBC is there.


The MSBC: Services | Multiple- Revenue streams | Explained

Co-Working Spaces:

Cost-effective co-working spaces, work stations, virtual offices, meeting room etc or all relevant add-on and support services for MSMEs, freelancers, startups, and remote workers to work along with coworking space. Revenue streams: are membership/subscription fee and service charges.


Startup Incubation Services:

work space, idea, mentorship, networking, business services, fund, partner, marketing, workshops and training, etc., to nurture and accelerate startups, mainly, early-stage startups. Revenue streams: are membership/subscription fee, service fee, profit sharing, and equity share.


The programs Offered in Each MSBC

Via Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt Ltd.

  • Remote-Flexible Staffing Solutions: Remote-Flexible Staffing Solutions: Bigrowtec is an emerging leader in providing flexible remote staffing and outsourcing solutions for Indian and foreign enterprises, particularly MSMEs, startups, and freelancers. Our services cover full-time, part-time, and contract-based staffing, along with staff management based on employer demand. We offer BPO, EoR, and PeO services for outsourcing various HR, accounting, IT, digital marketing, and customer management tasks, with workstations located in each MSBC. This approach creates a new, regular income stream for each MSBC through subscription and service fees.

  • Fractional Leadership Solutions: Bigrowtec is a pioneer in providing experienced leadership or experts, for example, CEOs, CTOs, COOs, etc. to MSMEs and startups on a fractional, part-time or contract basis, help MSMEs to have professional leadership like in a corporate for a fraction of the cost. This program is operated through MSBCs for more convenience. Revenue stream: service charge and retainer 

  • Low-Cost Technology Services: Bigrowtec offers low-cost automation and digitization services to MSME businesses and startups to streamline/automate tasks, improve efficiency, and boost productivity using affordable technology solutions. Revenue stream: subscription fee, licensing fee, and commission.​

  • GCC (Global Capability Center) space and support service: it is the budget support for global MSMEs for setting their global capability centers, normally 5-10 employees working small GCCs, dedicated remote facility / work station in India, considering cost-effectiveness and talent availability. GCC setup in MSBCs. Revenue stream: rental fee and commission.

  • Collaborative MSME Scaling Services: This is Bigrowtec's core service and the USP.  In this ecosystem we develop business Community for fostering a collaborative and supportive environment or we help diverse MSMEs to collaborate peer group wise in all possible fields to reduce costs and improve efficiency through scale of economies. This operate through each MSBC. While it is main stream of revenue for Bigrowtec, for each MSBC, it is one of the main 3 revenue source, an income source without incurring any additional investment, is the attraction.

  • Internship, Skill Training, and Recruitment Services: MSBC ecosystem, mainly programs via Bigrowtec, need large pool of talents always.  MSBC itself and by associating with nearby colleges/institutes we source talents.  This help students and job seekers to find internship, skill training, upgradation, and job placement- locally; Bigrowtec has the resources and facility inside and outside the network. Revenue stream: service fee and commission.

  • MSME Business Club: it is a club of different sub clubs dedicated to coordinating the refreshment, entertainment, and empowerment of the small business community, is an innovation in this field. This initiative targets the entrepreneurs and leaders associated to MSMEs, startups, merchants, and freelance; that is 99.9% of the business community. It is fact everybody require timely refreshment, entertainment, and empowerment activities to boost their performance but majority small entrepreneurs cannot afford the high costs associated with such services. By fostering collaboration, we explore synergies and economies of scale to deliver these benefits affordably to all. Revenue stream: subscription fee and service fee.


Double Income and Income Consistency Assured:

​It is well understood that all services not equally fit to all market, all places, and all time. In this highly competitive and volatile market multi-services business centers (MSBCs) have many economic advantages comparing to single service traditional business centers, that in multi-services approach, if a service irrelevant and down, another one or more services may more relevant and up stream, so, MSBCs assures business, revenue and income consistency even in recession and economic downturns. An MSBC can generate more than double revenue, income, and profit than a traditional (and individually operating) business center, without incurring any additional investment.


No Business Experience Needed to Run an MSBC:

Focus on Your Success.

Generally running a multi-service business center can be daunting, especially if lack experience.  Bigrowtec MSBC removes that barrier.  Each MSBC is part of a large network, allowing centrally managing all the crucial functions like strategy development, HR, recruitment, marketing, IT,  consulting, finance, project, etc. This means you (the investor) don't need to be an expert in every area to run an MSBC– we handle the complexities centrally, so you can focus on customer care: run a thriving multi-service business center to serve the community.


Scalability and Affordability:

Power of the Network

Building a business from the ground up can be expensive and risky. By joining the MSBC network, you benefit from economies of scale.  Pooling and sharing resources across the network ensure high efficiency and the lowest cost to run for each MSBC.


MSBC: Investment, Profit Potential

and Risk Factors Explained:

Affordable Startup Costs: Launch your MSBC for ₹60-75 lakhs (excluding office space) – ideal for budget-conscious investors.

Strategic Location: Skip expensive premium areas. We target accessible upper floors with parking in calm, outskirts locations, mainly in tier 2, 3 & 4 towns.

Net Profit Potential:

High Demand, Low Competition: Our comprehensive suite of services fills a gap in non-competitive markets, mainly in tier 2, 3 and 4 towns, municipal towns, leading to high occupancy rates from the start.

Centralised Management, Reduce Costs, improve efficiency, and Maximize Profits: We handle key functions centrally, minimising operational costs and boosting efficiency profit margins.


Responsibility divided among

the investor (you) and the Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt Ltd:

Investor (you):

Local Presence and Focus: The investor is the face of the MSBC in the local community. They are responsible for building relationships with potential clients, understanding local business needs, and promoting the MSBC's services.

Day-to-Day Operations Management: The investor oversees the day-to-day operations of the center, ensuring smooth functioning and client satisfaction. This might involve managing staff for center needs, maintaining facilities, and handling basic administrative tasks.


Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt Ltd

(network promoter and brand manager)

Centralized Management: The company takes care of crucial back-end functions centrally for the entire network to reduce costs and improve efficiency by resources and experts sharing. This includes top leadership roles (CEO, CTO, CFO, CMO, etc), strategy development, HR, recruitment, corporate connections, finance, accounting, marketing and advertising campaigns, IT infrastructure, projects, and consulting.

Standardized Systems and Processes: Bigrowtec provides a proven business model, operational manuals, and ongoing support to ensure all MSBCs operate efficiently and professionally and deliver a consistent client experience.

Expertise and Training: Bigrowtec offers training programs for investors on running an MSBC and might provide ongoing support in areas like customer relationship management.


Here's an analogy:

Imagine the MSBC as a restaurant. The investor (you) owns and operates the local outlet, managing staff and interacting with customers. However, the top leadership like the CEO, CTO, CFO, CMO, etc, and the recipes, marketing, advertising, HR, finance, accounting, training, campaigns, and overall brand management are handled centrally by Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt Ltd. This allows the investor (you) to focus on your center and local customer care and business improvement while benefiting from the established full systems and expertise of the company for very nominal costs.


Expert Leadership & Recession Resilience:

Benefit from professional guidance and a business model built to weather economic downturns.

Projected Returns: Expect a minimum net profit to investment ratio of 40-55% depending on many factors- a compelling return on investment.

Low-Risk, High-Reward Opportunity:

Socially Responsible & Secure: Own a high-standard, socially recognized business with minimal legal complexities.

Sustainable Growth: This future-proof business model is built for long-term success. So, we can say


Bigrowtec MSBC offers a smart ideal investment opportunity with exceptional profit potential and minimal risk. 


Bigrowtec MSBC is a smart business investment option with exceptional profit potential and minimal risk. Read more details below and contact us today e-mail: or WhatsApp: 7907914151to discuss about your smooth transformation into a proud MSBC owner- for making a positive impact in the community! 

More About
Bigrowtec MSBC Network

Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt Ltd is poised to revolutionize the landscape of business support services in India with the introduction of a branded chain of “multi-service business centres,” starting in Kerala and expanding nationwide. This ambitious project aims to establish interconnected 500 budget multi-service business centres within a five-year span and expand to 1000 centres by 10 years span, to provide a cost-effective comprehensive suite of holistic services to micro, small, medium, and startup enterprises.

India's Entrepreneurial Boom Reaches
Beyond Metros. Bigrowtec's Multi-Service
Business Centers (MSBCs) can play a critical role in supporting the new-era entrepreneurs in tier 3 & 4 towns:


  • Increased internet penetration: Improved access to online resources and marketplaces empowers local entrepreneurs.

  • Lower operational costs: Tier 3 & 4 towns offer lower rents and operational costs compared to metros, making starting a business more accessible.

  • Emerging local talent: A growing educated and skilled workforce is available in these towns.

Fueled by a surge in innovation and ambition, India's startup and enterprise ecosystem is flourishing not just in major cities, but also in Tier 3 and Tier 4 towns. However, micro and small enterprises (MSMEs) in these emerging markets often struggle to scale due to limited access to modern infrastructure and affordable business support services.


Here's how MSBCs can help:

  • Providing a one-stop shop for business needs: Offering services like accounting, legal, marketing, HR, and IT support under one roof removes the burden of finding these resources individually.

  • Creating a collaborative environment: Co-working spaces within MSBCs foster interaction and knowledge sharing among entrepreneurs.

  • Facilitating access to funding: MSBCs can connect businesses with potential investors and government funding schemes.

  • Bridging the mentorship gap: MSBCs can organize workshops, training programs, and connect entrepreneurs with mentors who can provide guidance and support.

  • Skilling the local workforce: MSBCs can offer skill development programs to meet the specific needs of local businesses, ensuring a readily available talent pool.


Additional considerations for success in tier 3 & 4 towns, mainly municipal towns:

  • Understanding local needs: MSBCs must tailor their services and offerings to address the specific challenges and opportunities faced by local businesses.

  • Building local partnerships: Collaborating with local colleges, government bodies, and industry associations can create a strong support ecosystem.

  • Leveraging technology: Utilizing online platforms and tools can extend the reach of MSBCs and provide services remotely.


By acting as a catalyst for growth, MSBCs can empower entrepreneurs in tier 3 & 4 towns to thrive and contribute significantly to India's overall economic development.

Mission and Vision.

Building a Nationwide Network of Multi-Service Business Centres

Our vision is to establish a branded chain of "multi-service business centres" under the Bigrowtec name across India. The initial phase focuses on Tier 3 & 4 towns and municipalities, with a strategic presence near colleges. Each centre will boast a capacity of 150-200 seats, catering to the needs of a thriving entrepreneurial community. With ambitious plans for rapid expansion, we aim to expand to 100 centres within 1-2 years, and scale to 500 centres within a five-year timeframe.

At Bigrowtec, we envision a future where every local business can scale up and become a branded, profitable enterprise.

Yes, cultivate a vibrant network of multi-service business hubs across India fostering the growth and success of startups, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and businesses alike. Through our comprehensive offerings such as co-working spaces, incubation programs, remote staffing solutions, employer-on-record (EoR) services, professional employer organization (PEO) services, business support, community development initiatives, and consulting, we aim to empower our members.


We aspire to be the premier branded network of multi-service business centres with presence in tier 3 and tier 4 towns, creating 1.5 - 2 lac new job opportunities, driving innovation, growth, scale-up, and prosperity for all those we serve. At Bigrowtec, we envision a future where every local business can scale up and become a branded, profitable enterprise.

Project Meeting

Project Phases


  • Year 1: Establish and stabilize the first 25 centres within 12 months in Kerala.

  • Year 2: Expand to reach 100-150 centres within 24 months.

  • Year 3-5: Continue expansion to achieve a network of 500+ centres, across India,


Phase 1 (within a year): Establish the foundation by starting 25 centres.


  • Secure partnerships with colleges, local governments, and private investors in 25-50 target locations.

  • Develop a standardized centre design and operational framework.

  • Launch marketing and branding campaigns to build awareness.

  • Recruit and train centre coordinators and cleaning staff.

  • Open and operationalize the first 25 centres.

  • Establish centralized management systems- HR, accounting, marketing, customer care, and IT.


Phase 2 (within 24 months): Expansion and Growth

Replicate Phase 1 activities to establish an additional 75 centres minimum.


  • Refine operational processes based on initial experience.

  • Focus on member acquisition and community building activities.

  • Develop a strong referral program to leverage existing members.

  • Refine and optimize centralized management processes.

  • Develop a strong network of local business partners and service providers.

  • Launch internship, skill training, and recruitment services.

  • Implement Bigrowtec's collaborative scaleup consulting branch offices in centres.


Phase 3 & 4: Accelerated Growth


  • Open an additional 200 centres, reaching a total of 300 centres by year 3-4.

  • Increase the existing centre seat capacity to 200-300 seats.

  • Explore expansion opportunities in neighbouring states.

  • Implement data-driven strategies to optimize centre performance.

  • Explore franchise models for wider reach and potential ownership opportunities.

  • Develop a comprehensive suite of business support services for startups and SMEs.

  • Strengthen Bigrowtec's collaborative scaleup consulting branch services.


Phase 5 (within 5 years): Market Leader


  • Achieve the ambitious target of 500 centres, 100,000+ seats, 50,000 startups across India and potentially beyond.

  • Continuously innovate service offerings to meet evolving member needs.

  • Explore strategic partnerships and potential franchise opportunities.

  • Increase the existing centre seat capacity to 250-350 seats.

  • IPO 

Market Potential
Partnership Strategy

Picture this: bustling cities, upcoming new towns, eager entrepreneurs, startup culture, more and more Government supports, and a hunger for growth. That’s the backdrop for our multi-service business centres.


Here’s why the market is ripe for our venture:


  • Local Entrepreneurship Boom: Tier 2 cities and tier 3 and tier 4 towns, mainly municipal towns, are buzzing with startups and small businesses. They’re hungry for spaces and support services that foster collaboration, creativity, and connections. Our centres are made for that.

  • Remote-Flexible Work Revolution: The pandemic changed the game. Indian and foreign enterprises- without size difference- are looking for flexible remote staff considering comfort, convenience, and costs. More and more people now prefer to work near to home. So, our remote flexible staffing solution (BPO, EoR, PeO) help both enterprises and job seekers.  Our centres offer a professional alternative—no more coffee shop meetings!

  • High demand for cost-Effective Solutions: Small businesses need cost-effective collaborative solutions to scaleup. Imagine having retailers' bulk purchase cooperatives for cost saving or having fractional experts (like part-time or on contract CFO, CTO or CMO) placement for micro -small businesses. That’s what we’re offering.

  • Brand Image Matters: Businesses want to be part of something bigger. Our branded centres give them that edge. It’s like having a swanky office without the hefty rent.

  • Local Impact: We’re not just about profit. Each centre contributes to local development.

  • It’s a win-win: businesses grow, and communities thrive.


Partnership Strategy

  • Collaborate with colleges and institutes: to establish centres inside or near campuses, catering to students, their internship, training, job placement, and startups, and incubation.

  • Partner with local government bodies like panchayats and municipalities: to promote economic development and create/explore local job/startup/business opportunities.

  • Work with private investors: to establish centres in strategic locations, offering them co-ownership or revenue-sharing models.

Operational Excellence
and cost saving through
Centralized Management.

In the context of Bigrowtec’s multi-service business centres, centralized management of all critical divisions- marketing, HR, finance, accounting, operation, customer care, IT/Technology, legal etc is a strategic approach where decision-making and planning responsibilities are concentrated at the executive level1. This structure allows for a unified vision and streamlines processes, ensuring that all centres adhere to the same high standards and operational procedures.

Centralized Management

The benefits include:

  • Efficient Decision-Making: With a clear chain of command, expert team, decisions can be made swiftly and implemented uniformly across all centres.

  • Consistent Service Quality: Centralized policies and procedures maintain a consistent brand experience for customers.

  • Cost Reduction: By centralizing functions like marketing, HR, IT, accounting, etc individual centres can operate with lower overhead costs.

  • Focused Vision: A centralized approach ensures that all centres are aligned with Bigrowtec’s mission and strategic goals.

  • Operational excellence, on the other hand, refers to the continuous improvement of organizational processes to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.

It involves:

Streamlined Processes: Creating efficient workflows that allow for quick adaptation and innovation.

  • Empowered leadership and Staff: Encouraging staff to take initiative and contribute to problem-solving and process improvements.

  • Customer-Centric Culture: Focusing on delivering value to customers and meeting their needs effectively.

  • Continuous Improvement: Adopting a mindset of ongoing enhancement to operations, services, and customer satisfaction.


By combining centralized management with operational excellence, Bigrowtec can ensure that each business centre operates at peak efficiency while maintaining the flexibility to adapt to local market needs and opportunities. This dual approach positions Bigrowtec to achieve its ambitious goal of transforming its clients- MSMEs, into profitable, branded, medium enterprises within the projected timeline.

Centrally Managing Core Services:

Key Metrics

  • Number of centres established.

  • Average occupancy rate

  • Client satisfaction

  • Job creation

  • Growth of resident/local businesses

  • Revenue generated.


  • Top leadership (CEO, CTO, CFO, CMO, CXO, etc)

  • Advertising and marketing

  • Purchasing and logistics

  • Connection with corporate world- to generate various job opportunities.

  • HR division

  • Accounting and finance management

  • Training, mentoring, coaching, and placement 

  • IT infrastructure support

  • Legal




Operational Efficiency

  • Standardized centre design and fit-out plans ensure cost-effectiveness.

  • Centralized management of core services minimizes operational overhead at each centre.

  • Technology-enabled systems optimize communication, collaboration, and resource allocation.


Marketing Plan and Branding

Get to Know 

  • Develop a comprehensive marketing plan and strategy to reach target audiences in each location.

  • Develop a comprehensive marketing plan to reach employers and employer associations- to create maximum job opportunities.

  • Leverage Bigrowtec's existing brand identity and reputation for professionalism.

  • Utilize both online and offline channels, mainly digital marketing channels and local partnerships, for promotion.

  • Organize each centre launch events a community outreach program.

Bigrowtec MSBC:  

Marketing Plan Summary

Target Audience:

  • MSMEs (Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises): Establishments in non-metro cities (Tier 2, 3 & 4 municipal towns) seeking growth and professionalization, affordably.

  • Startups: New businesses in non-metro cities looking for support services,  incubation facilities, infrastructure, and a collaborative environment.

  • Merchants: Retailers, distributors, wholesalers etc in non-metro cities 

  • Freelancers and Home-Based Businesses: people seeking co-working space, networking opportunities, and access to clients.

  • Colleges and Institutes: Educational institutions aiming to enhance graduate skills, foster entrepreneurship, and connect with local businesses.

  • Investors: Individuals and organizations seeking a socially impactful and profitable investment opportunity in the Indian market.


Marketing Objectives:

  • Brand Awareness: Establish Bigrowtec MSBCs as the leading one-stop-shop solution for MSMEs, startups, and freelancers in non-metro cities.

  • Lead Generation: Generate inquiries from potential MSBC investors/franchisees, customers seeking MSBC services, and investors interested in MSBC network project.

  • Community Engagement: Position MSBCs as prime hubs for local business development, community growth, collaboration, and social impact.


Marketing Strategies:

  • Digital Marketing: Utilize a website and social media platforms to reach target audiences online. Utilize daily news papers, weeklies, and magazines to reach offline. Content marketing will focus on educational resources, success stories, and industry trends relevant to MSMEs and startups.

  • Local Area Marketing: Partner with local businesses, business groups, peer groups, chambers of commerce, and industry associations for promotional events, workshops, and networking opportunities. Public relations efforts will target local media outlets to generate coverage of MSBCs' impact and success stories, considering its social impact.

  • Franchise Marketing: Develop a comprehensive franchise recruitment program with informative materials targeting potential investors and entrepreneurs in non-metro cities. Highlight the affordability, profitability, and social impact potential of owning an MSBC franchise.

  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with government agencies, local bodies, NGOs, and educational institutions to start MSBC, and reach potential customers and leverage their networks. These partnerships can also support skill development programs and entrepreneurship initiatives aligned with MSBCs' mission.


Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

  • One-Stop-Shop Solution: Comprehensive and affordable services under one roof catering to all business needs of MSMEs, startups, and freelancers.

  • Focus on Non-Metro Cities: Addressing the underserved market and fostering local economic development.

  • Centrally Managed-Decentralized Model: Ensuring quality and consistency across the network while empowering local franchisees.

  • Social Impact: Creating jobs, nurturing startups, and promoting a collaborative business ecosystem in non-metro cities.


Metrics and Measurement:

  • Website traffic and lead generation

  • Social media engagement and follower growth

  • Event attendance and media coverage

  • Franchise inquiries and conversion rates

  • Customer satisfaction surveys

  • Growth in the number of MSBCs and businesses served



Allocate marketing budget strategically across different channels based on return on investment (ROI) potential. Consider cost-effective digital marketing strategies alongside targeted local area personalized marketing initiatives.



By implementing this comprehensive marketing plan, Bigrowtec MSBCs can effectively reach its target audience, establish brand leadership, and achieve their ambitious growth goals.  The focus on digital marketing, local partnerships, and impactful storytelling will resonate with the Indian market and position Bigrowtec MSBCs as a powerful driver of social and economic development in non-metro cities.


If you go through the following 12 FAQs,

you may get all relevant matters- to decide.

bigrowtec consulting pvt ltd multi service business center (MSBC) network in Ernakulam Ker

What is mean by  bigrowtec "Multi-Service Business Centre (MSBC)?

"A multi-service business centre" is a dynamic business hub that caters to the diverse needs of diverse enterprises. Without difference of home-based, micro, small, medium, or startup enterprises, almost all scaleup services are available here affordably. Let’s dive into what makes these centres unique: Holistic Services: These centres go beyond traditional co-working spaces. Each centre offers a comprehensive suite of services. •Co-Working Spaces: Flexible Workspace for startups, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and remote workers. •Startup Incubation: Support for budding entrepreneurs and startups to nurture their ideas. •Remote- Flexible Staffing Solutions: Access to skilled professionals without the overhead of permanent or full-time hires. •Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): Undertake BPO works. •Employer of Record (EoR) Services: Provide remote staffing to international enterprises on temporary, full-time, and part-time basis. •Professional Employer Organization (PeO) Services: Provide remote staffing to Indian companies. •Business Community Services: Networking and knowledge sharing among local businesses. •Skill Training and Recruitment Services: Enhancing workforce capabilities. Collaborative Scale-Up Consulting: Expert guidance for growth, scale up, and branding to micro-small enterprises. •Strategic Resource-Sharing Alliances: Bigrowtec empowers small businesses by forging informal alliances among like-minded enterprises. By pooling resources—such as purchasing power, sales channels, and marketing efforts—these centres achieve cost reductions (up to 30%) and efficiency boosts (up to 80%). •Centralized Management: Bigrowtec coordinates core activities centrally, ensuring uniformity in service quality, brand image, and operational efficiency across all centres. This approach reduces costs and allows each centre to focus on customer service. •Fractional Leadership Placement: Even micro-businesses can access top-tier leadership (CEOs, COOs, etc.) on a fractional, part-time, or contract basis. This professional expertise enhances systems and professionalism cost-effectively. •Market Impact: By strategically positioning these centres in tier 2, tier 3 cities and tier 4 municipal towns, Bigrowtec contributes to local economic development. The centres become catalysts for growth, attracting more businesses and professionals. In summary, Bigrowtec’s multi-service business centres are not just physical spaces; they’re vibrant ecosystems that empower MSMEs to thrive, collaborate, and scale up effortlessly.

bigrowtec consulting pvt ltd multi service business center (MSBC) network in Ernakulam Ker

How bigrowtec MSBC stand out from a traditional co-working space?

Bigrowtec's multi-service business centre offers a line of support services while an ordinary business centre provides mere co-working space. Here's a breakdown: Advantages and Merits for Clients: Comprehensive Support System: Multi-service business centres (MSBCs) go beyond basic office amenity provider. They offer a range of other business development support including marketing, sales, finance, HR, management, leadership, etc, legal, and compliance assistance. This makes MSBC a one-stop shop for small businesses, saving them time and resources by providing all the tools they need to thrive under one roof. Collaboration and Community Building: Bigrowtec actively fosters collaboration. They organize scale up collaborations, networks, events, and provide online and offline platforms for members to connect, share ideas, and find potential partners. This creates a sense of community where businesses can learn from each other and support each other's growth. Targeted Resources: Multi-service business centers understand the specific needs of small businesses. They offer workshops and resources specifically tailored to their challenges, such as marketing on a budget, hiring effectively, fractional leadership, fractional key staff, or managing finances. Increased Income Potential: Subscription-based Services: In addition to co-working space rent, Bigrowtec's MSBCs have more reliable income generating sources generate retainer, recurring, and profit sharing. Partnerships and Referrals: By partnering with suppliers, funding sources, legal firms, technology providers, or other relevant businesses, Bigrowtec can earn referral fees or commissions for directing business to their partners. This creates a win-win situation for everyone involved. Value-Added Events: Organizing paid workshops, conferences, internships, or training sessions on relevant topics like digital marketing or business strategy can be another source of income. Enhanced Popularity and Reputation: Meeting All Specific Needs: By addressing almost all critical needs of small businesses, Bigrowtec's MSBCs positions itself as a valuable resource and a partner in their growth. This focus on small business success sets them apart from ordinary co-working spaces. Community Hub: These centres become a focal point for local startups, entrepreneurs, and businesses attracting positive attention and media coverage. They become known as a place where innovation, collaboration, and scale up happen. Success Stories: As businesses that utilize Bigrowtec's services thrive, positive word-of-mouth and success stories further enhance the centre’s reputation. More people see Bigrowtec as a launchpad for success. Reliability and Competitiveness: One-Stop Shop: Bigrowtec offers a comprehensive solution, reducing the need for businesses to find and manage multiple vendors for different services. This reliability and convenience make them a more attractive option. Expertise and Network: By partnering with experts and service providers, Bigrowtec leverages their network to offer high-quality resources and support to members. This expertise enhances their competitiveness compared to basic co-working spaces. Overall, a multi-service business centre goes beyond just providing a desk space. Bigrowtec, by offering a comprehensive support system, fostering collaboration, and catering to the specific needs of small businesses, can establish itself as a leader in the local business ecosystem. This translates to increased income through diversified offerings, a strong local reputation for empowering and supporting small business success, and a competitive edge in the market.

bigrowtec consulting pvt ltd multi service business center (MSBC) network in Ernakulam Ker

How Bigrowtec MSBC solves the problems faces the local small enterprises?

Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt Ltd addresses almost all the challenges faced by local enterprises through a suite of innovative strategies and services designed to scale up small businesses efficiently and collaboratively. Here’s how they tackle common issues: •Resource Sharing Alliances: By forming informal alliances among similar (peer group) businesses, Bigrowtec enables resource pooling for purchasing, sales, and marketing, leading to cost reductions up to 30% and efficiency boosts of 50-80%. •Flexible Staffing and Fractional Leadership Solutions: They offer top-tier leadership placement on a fractional, part-time, or contract basis, allowing even micro businesses to have professional leadership and systems cost-effectively. •Technology and Automation: Bigrowtec assists enterprises in adopting low-cost automation and digitalization, aligning with industry 4.0 standards to enhance growth, brand, and profitability. •Marketing and Sales: They provide multi-channel marketing strategies and facilitate purchase and marketing alliances, significantly reducing costs in purchasing, logistics, sales, and marketing by up to 50%. •Professional Leadership: The lack of professional leadership is addressed by providing capable executive leadership, which can solve funding issues and other major challenges faced by small enterprises. •Growth Communities: Bigrowtec builds and manages consortiums or peer group collaborations among like-minded enterprises, allowing them to compete with larger players by sharing resources and facilities. By implementing these strategies, Bigrowtec ensures that client enterprises can reduce costs, streamline operations, improve revenue, and profit, and simplify brand building, preparing them to compete with larger corporations. Their approach is holistic, focusing on growth and innovation, and is tailored to the unique needs of micro and small enterprises in the current AI era.

bigrowtec consulting pvt ltd multi service business center (MSBC) network in Ernakulam Ker

How innovative & scalable is bigrowtec's multi-service business center (MSBC) project?

This innovative program offers a comprehensive ecosystem to nurture startups, scale up local businesses, fostering economic growth and development. Innovation and Scalability: •One-Stop Shop for scale up: Bigrowtec goes far beyond co-working spaces, providing a suite of services like startup incubation, networking, collaborations, remote staffing, business support services, fractional leadership, skill training, and recruitment. This integrated approach caters to the diverse needs of MSMEs- mainly, micro, and small enterprises, at every stage. •Scalable Partnership Model: Partnering with colleges, local governments, and private investors allows for rapid expansion across India and beyond. This reduces Bigrowtec's upfront investment and improve efficiency while leveraging local expertise and resources. •Centralized Management: Standardized operations ensure consistency and quality across all centres. Bigrowtec manages core functions centrally for all centres, like marketing, HR, finance, accounting, customer care, and management, which minimizing centre operation costs and maximizing efficiency and brand image of each centre. •Replicable Model: The program's first phase success in Kerala can be replicated in other states and other developing countries, fostering nationwide and international growth. Scalability Potential: •Phased Expansion: The initial target of 25 centres within a year and a two-year expansion plan to 100 centres demonstrates a measured and achievable growth strategy. Reaching 500 centres within five years sets an ambitious but attainable long-term vision. •Cost-Effectiveness: Budget-friendly centres with centralized management significantly reduce operational costs for each location. Impact on Local Development: •Job Creation: By nurturing more and more startups, scaling enterprises, and connecting with Indian and foreign enterprises for remote staffing, Bigrowtec fosters job creation and economic growth in Tier 2, 3 and 4 towns. •Skill Development: Internship and skill training programs empower the local workforce. •Knowledge Sharing: Networking events and consulting services promote knowledge sharing and collaboration within the entrepreneurial community. Potential Challenges: •Market Saturation: The success of the program hinges on a strong value proposition that differentiates Bigrowtec from existing co-working spaces and business support services. •Talent Acquisition: Hiring and retaining qualified staff in Tier 2 and 3 towns could be a challenge. Overall, Bigrowtec's program presents a compelling and scalable approach to empower MSMEs in underserved regions. By offering a comprehensive set of services and a cost-effective model, Bigrowtec has the potential to significantly impact local development and create a thriving ecosystem for aspiring entrepreneurs.


Why Bigrowtec choose the MSBC network as the first project?

Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt Ltd.’s inaugural collaborative venture is a forthcoming network of multi-service business centres spanning India. This initiative serves as a cornerstone in realizing Bigrowtec’s long term vision of nurturing 25 collaborative brands within a decade. These centres will serve as proximate office hubs for local small enterprises to convene and cooperate. Importantly, this network of offices facilitates convenient access, a pivotal factor in propelling these collaborative brands towards success. Overall, choosing a business centres network as the first collaborative project is a strategic approach to achieve Bigrowtec's long term vision. It provides the nearest physical office and support centre facility, scalability to connect with a wider range of potential collaborators among small businesses, local resource hub, and community-building environment needed to nurture successful collaborative brands from local small enterprises. Launching a network of business centres as the first project aligns with Bigrowtec's vision and mission.

bigrowtec consulting pvt ltd multi service business center (MSBC) network in Ernakulam Ker

What are the typical costs/investment associated with setting up and operating an MSBC?

Unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to the cost of setting up and operating a Multi-Service Business Center (MSBC). Generally setting a 150-200 seat MSBC will costs 60-75 lacs rupees- depends on requirements. The total cost will depend on several factors, including: Size and Scope of the MSBC: The size, seat capacity, facility, and type of services offered will significantly impact the cost. Location and Infrastructure: Setting up an MSBC in a pre-existing building with minimal renovations will be less expensive than building from scratch. Location of the college or community or town can also affect costs (e.g., rent in a high-traffic area might be higher). We don't need premium locations to setup MSBC. Equipment and Technology: The type and amount of equipment needed will vary depending on the services offered. Printing equipment, point-of-sale systems, computers, and furniture will all contribute to the cost. Staffing: The number of staff needed will depend on the size and operating hours of the MSBC. As a centrally managing network, staffing costs and overhead costs is its minimal. Here's a breakdown of potential cost categories: Pre-launch Costs: Feasibility studies, design and planning, permits, initial marketing materials. Setup Costs: Renovation or construction costs, equipment and technology purchases, furniture, initial inventory. Operational Costs: Staff salaries and benefits, rent or mortgage, utilities, maintenance, marketing and advertising, ongoing inventory management, software licenses (if applicable). As centrally managing the systems, operational costs is its minimal. To get a more accurate estimate for your specific situation, it's recommended to: Contact Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt. Ltd.: We can provide a cost analysis based on your desired services and location. They might offer different service packages or tiered models depending on your budget.

bigrowtec consulting pvt ltd multi service business center (MSBC) network in Ernakulam Ker

How does Bigrowtec ensure the smooth implementation, ongoing management, & profitability of the MSBC?

Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt. Ltd. can potentially ensure the smooth implementation and ongoing fruitful management of a Multi-Service Business Center (MSBC). Implementation Phase: Needs Assessment & Planning: Bigrowtec would likely begin by conducting a thorough needs assessment to understand the specific requirements of your college/local body/locality. This might involve analyzing student demographics, employees availability, industry demographics, enterprises and startup potential, existing services, available space, community needs etc. Based on this assessment, we would develop a customized MSBC plan outlining the services offered, operational model, staffing requirements, and financial projections. Project Management: Bigrowtec direct oversee the entire implementation process. Our manager would be responsible for coordinating with you, securing necessary permits and licenses, managing vendors and contractors (if required for renovations or equipment purchases), and ensuring the MSBC is set up according to the agreed-upon plan. Training & Staff Development: Bigrowtec might offer training programs for MSBC staff to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to operate the center effectively. This could include training on specific equipment, customer service best practices, corporate relation, people management, inventory management, and potentially point-of-sale systems (if applicable). Marketing & Launch Support: Bigrowtec could develop a launch strategy to generate awareness and excitement about the new MSBC within the college/community/locality. This might involve creating promotional materials, organizing a grand opening event, and collaborating with student groups or local businesses for cross-promotion and many more. Ongoing Management: Operational Support: Bigrowtec have central experts team, including CEO, CTO, CMO, CFO, CRO, etc to lead the ecosystem professionally. They offer ongoing fractional support to ensure each MSBC runs smoothly. This could include assistance with inventory management, vendor relationships, financial reporting, and troubleshooting any operational challenges. Performance Monitoring & Reporting: Bigrowtec could provide regular reports on the MSBC's performance, including metrics such as sales figures, customer satisfaction ratings, and foot traffic. This data can be used to identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to optimize the MSBC's success. Ongoing Training & Development: Bigrowtec might offer additional training opportunities for your MSBC staff to keep them updated on industry trends, new technologies, and best practices in customer service and retail operations. Additional Considerations: Technology & Software: Bigrowtec have experience integrating relevant technology solutions into the MSBC, such as inventory management software, people management, CRM, point-of-sale systems, or even student ID card integration for seamless transactions. Compliance & Regulations: Bigrowtec should be well-versed in relevant regulations regarding business operations, food safety (if applicable), and labor laws to ensure the MSBC complies with all necessary requirements. Communication & Collaboration: Maintaining open communication and collaboration throughout the process is crucial. Bigrowtec should keep you informed of progress, address any concerns promptly, and be receptive to your feedback as the MSBC evolves. By implementing a comprehensive approach that covers these aspects, Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt. Ltd. can strive to ensure a successful MSBC launch and provide ongoing support to help it thrive in the long run. Bigrowtec cultivating a supportive ecosystem for businesses within the MSBC. Streamlining the process of establishing and operating a business within the center. Creating an environment that fosters business growth and profitability for investors. Key Point: It's important to note that Bigrowtec directly guarantee profitability for individual businesses. The success of each business will ultimately depend on various factors like business model, marketing efforts, customer service, and overall product or service quality. However, Bigrowtec's role is to provide the infrastructure, support, and potential customer base to increase the chances of success for businesses within the MSBC.

bigrowtec consulting pvt ltd multi service business center (MSBC) network in Ernakulam Ker

Why colleges should setup MSBC? What are the benefits, opportunities and enhancements the students enjoy/expect through MSBC?

Students can reap a multitude of benefits and gain valuable opportunities through setting Bigrowtec MSBC (Multi-Service Business Center) by colleges and local bodies . Here's a breakdown of the key advantages: Enhanced Learning and Skill Development: Exposure to Real-World Business: MSBCs often host workshops, seminars, and events featuring entrepreneurs and industry professionals. Students can gain insights into various business functions, marketing strategies, and current industry trends. Entrepreneurship Incubators: MSBCs offer startup incubation programs. This allows students to develop their business ideas under the guidance of experienced mentors, potentially leading to launching their own ventures. Skill Training and Development: MSBCs may collaborate with colleges or training institutions to offer skill-building programs relevant to the current job market. These could include digital marketing, modern accounting, finance management, HR management, communication skills, project management, or data analysis. Internship Opportunities: MSBCs connect students with internship opportunities within businesses and startups housed at the center and network. This provides practical work experience and allows students to apply their knowledge in a real-world setting. Networking and Career Building: Professional Connections: MSBCs foster a vibrant community of entrepreneurs, professionals, and business leaders across globe. Students can network with industry experts, build valuable connections, and potentially find mentors who can guide their career paths. Job Opportunities: Companies within the MSBC network may seek to recruit interns, part-time employees, or full-time employees. Moreover, bigrotec is providing bpo, EoR, and PeO services to Indian and international enterprises. So, job opprtunities alot, students can learn about job openings and potentially gain a competitive edge in positions. Career Exploration: Through interaction with various businesses and professionals, students can explore different career options and discover their areas of interest. This helps them make informed decisions about their future paths. Personal Growth and Development: Develop Business Acumen: By attending seminars, interacting with entrepreneurs, and potentially participating in startup incubators, students can develop valuable business acumen. This includes understanding market needs, building financial models, and learning effective communication and negotiation skills. Boost Confidence and Creativity: The collaborative and supportive environment of MSBCs encourages creative thinking and problem-solving. Students can gain valuable experience pitching ideas, working in teams, and ultimately become more confident individuals. Increased Employability: The combination of skill development, networking opportunities, and practical experience through internships, training, and part-time jobs can significantly enhance a student's resume and improve their chances of finding the right job after graduation. Overall, Bigrowtec MSBCs offer a valuable platform for students to go beyond traditional classroom learning. By providing access to real-world business experience, skill development programs, and professional networking opportunities, MSBCs can empower students to become future business leaders and contribute effectively to the local economy.

bigrowtec consulting pvt ltd multi service business center (MSBC) network in Ernakulam Ker

Why local bodies, mainly municipal towns, in India should consider setting up Multi-Service Business Centers (MSBCs)?

MSBC Empowering Local Businesses and Job Creation: Nurturing Entrepreneurship: MSBCs provide crucial support services like co-working spaces, startup incubation, and business development resources for aspiring entrepreneurs. This fosters local business creation, leading to significant job creation in the long run. Attracting Businesses: MSBCs serve as a magnet for new businesses, especially startups and those looking for affordable office space. This increases economic activity in the locality and generates further job opportunities. Skills Development and Matching: MSBCs can partner with skill training institutions to equip the local workforce with the skills needed by resident businesses. They can also act as platforms for connecting local job seekers with suitable openings within the center or local businesses. Economic Development and Increased Revenue: Boosting Local Economy: A thriving business ecosystem fueled by the MSBC fosters economic growth within the locality. This can translate to increased tax revenue for the local body, providing them with more resources for public services. Attracting Investment: A vibrant business environment attracts further investment opportunities, leading to increased economic activity and potential creation of larger industries. Addressing Unemployment and Fostering Innovation: Providing Career Support: MSBCs offer career counseling, interview preparation, and job placement assistance, equipping local residents with the tools necessary to secure employment. And each MSBC has bpo, EoR, and PeO services, to provide remote-flexible staffing service to Indian and international businesses, help create more jobs, mainly to women. Bridging the Skill Gap: By offering skill training programs aligned with local industry needs, MSBCs can address the skill gap and enhance the employability of the local workforce. Fostering Innovation Hub: MSBCs can act as incubators for innovative startups, creating a culture of entrepreneurship and potentially leading to groundbreaking solutions for local and national challenges. Additional Considerations: Low Investment, High Impact: the relatively low investment of 60-75 lacs only to setting a MSBC have a significant positive impact on the local community compared to other infrastructure projects. An investment of 60-75 lacs rupees create over 100 jobs and hundreds of opportunities! Sustainability: MSBCs can be designed as self-sustaining entities, generating revenue through membership fees and service utilization. Partnership Opportunities: Local bodies can partner with colleges, private investors, and NGOs to leverage expertise, resources and reduce their initial financial burden. In conclusion, establishing an MSBC is a strategic move for local bodies in India. By fostering local business growth, creating jobs, and promoting innovation, MSBCs have the potential to empower individuals, revitalize local economies, and contribute to a brighter future for the entire community.

bigrowtec consulting pvt ltd multi service business center (MSBC) project

How can a multi-service business centre (MSBC)  empower that locality?

Each multi-service business centre (MSBC) can be a game-changer for that locality, especially in terms of fostering smart startup opportunities, scaling up existing small businesses, and creating flexible employment opportunities. Here’s how: Smart Business/Startup Opportunities for New Aspirants: •Incubation Support: New entrepreneurs can benefit from business incubation services, which provide idea, mentorship, funding access, and a supportive environment to turn innovative ideas into viable business. •Technology Access: Aspirants get access to the latest technologies and digital tools, essential for modern businesses to thrive. •Networking: Nation-wide network and regular events and meetups hosted by the center can connect new entrepreneurs with potential investors, mentors, and collaborators. Scale-Up Opportunities for Existing Small Businesses: •Resource Optimization: Shared services and facilities like meeting rooms, high-speed internet, and office equipment help reduce costs and increase operational efficiency. •Market Expansion: Being part of a branded network provides small businesses with greater visibility and credibility, helping them to reach new markets. •Collaborative Growth Alliances: Alliances formed among peer-group businesses can lead to collaborative projects, joint ventures, and collective bargaining power. Flexible Employment Opportunities for Locals: •Diverse Roles: Each centre can offer a range of job roles, 100+ jobs, from administrative to technical, catering to different skill sets and interests. •Gig Economy Integration: With the rise of the gig economy, locals can find flexible, freelance, on-demand work opportunities that align with their lifestyles. •Skill Development: Training programs and workshops can upskill the local workforce, making them more employable and adaptable to changing job markets. By providing these opportunities, a multi-service business centre can empower individuals to pursue entrepreneurial ventures, help existing businesses to grow, and create a flexible and dynamic job market that benefits the entire community.

bigrowtec consulting pvt ltd multi service business center (MSBC) network in Ernakulam Ker

What are the expected benefits for the college/local body/investors from establishing an MSBC?

Benefits to investor of Establishing a Multi-Service Business Center (MSBC). An MSBC offers a wider range of benefits compared to just a co-working space. And its centrally managing collaborative scaling helps to reduces costs and improve process-efficiency. Here's a breakdown of the potential advantages for colleges, local bodies, and investors: Benefits for Colleges: Enhanced Student Experience: Convenient access and Opportunities for students for internships, skill training, and part-time employment within the MSBC businesses. Improved Resource Utilization: Existing college infrastructure (space, utilities) can be utilized more efficiently by housing multi-services under one roof. Fostering Innovation & Entrepreneurship: The MSBC can create a hub for student entrepreneurs to test ideas, network with professionals, incubation, and potentially access resources or mentorship. Exposure to different businesses and services can inspire students and encourage innovation. Benefits for Local Bodies: Economic Development & Job Creation: The MSBC can attract new businesses to the community, leading to job creation and economic growth. Increased foot traffic to the MSBC can benefit local businesses in the surrounding area. Improved Infrastructure & Amenities: Establishing an MSBC might involve infrastructure improvements (e.g., renovations) that benefit the entire community, not just the center users. The MSBC can offer valuable services to the local business community to scale up, potentially becoming a central hub for businesses' needs. Increased Revenue Generation: Local bodies might receive rental income from the college for operating the MSBC on their premises. The MSBC itself could potentially generate revenue through service fees or rent paid by businesses housed within it. Benefits for Investors: Good financial Returns on Investment: A well-managed MSBC can generate revenue through rent from businesses, service fees, and potentially profit-sharing agreements with Bigrowtec. Investors can expect a 40-60% annual net return on their investment over time. Socially Responsible Investment: Investing in an MSBC can be seen as a socially responsible investment if it contributes to job creation, economic development, and improved services for the community. Diversification of Investment Portfolio: An MSBC investment can offer an alternative asset class to diversify an investor's portfolio and potentially reduce overall risk. Additional Considerations: Sustainability: The MSBC's design and operations can be planned with sustainability in mind, considering energy efficiency, waste management, and potential use of local resources. Community Engagement: Involving the local community in the planning and operation of the MSBC can foster a sense of ownership and ensure the center caters to their needs. By establishing a well-planned and managed MSBC, colleges, local bodies, and investors can reap significant economic, social, and educational benefits.

bigrowtec consulting pvt ltd multi service business center (MSBC) network in Ernakulam Ker

What profit or return on investment (ROI) can expect by  MSBC investor? What is exit strategy? How bigrowtec address potential risks associated with MSBC? 

Potential Profit and ROI: Bigrowtec projects a promising return on investment (ROI) for MSBC investors in India's growing tier 2, 3, and 4 town markets. Here's a breakdown of the key factors: High Occupancy Rates: We setup MSBCs in tier 2, 3 and 4 towns where no more competition, not only c-working spaces, but we provide startup incubation and remote work station services, cause high occupancy. With an average annual occupancy rate of 85-95%, highest in market, MSBC is well-positioned for consistent revenue generation. Diverse Service Portfolio: Beyond co-working spaces, MSBCs offer a wider range of services (startup incubation, staffing solutions, BPO, EoR, PeO, business development etc) leading to multiple income streams. Centralized Management: Bigrowtec's centralized management structure reduces business costs and improves operational efficiency, maximizing profitability. Financial Projections : Investment: Rs. 60-75 lacs, 8000-12000 sqft, 150-200 seater MSBC. Revenue Streams: Co-working memberships, Startup incubation fees, Staffing solution service charges Business development consulting fees, retainer and profit share fee, business club membership fee, club service fee etc Variable Costs: Rent & utilities Staff salaries & benefits Marketing & promotional expenses Fixed Costs: Centralized management fees (Bigrowtec) Technology & maintenance. Based on these factors and Bigrowtec's scientific estimations, investors can expect a net profit range of 40-60% from the very first year onward. Important Note: The actual ROI can vary depending on several factors, including: Specific location and market demand Service mix offered and pricing strategies. Operational efficiency and cost management. Bigrowtec recommends conducting a detailed financial feasibility study for your specific location to get a more accurate ROI projection. Exit Strategy: Bigrowtec offers multiple exit strategies for investors: Acquisition: A larger co-working company or an established business incubator might acquire your successful MSBC for a premium. IPO (Initial Public Offering): As the Bigrowtec MSBC network expands, a potential IPO could provide an exit opportunity with significant returns. Direct Sale to Bigrowtec: Bigrowtec might be interested in purchasing a well-performing MSBC after a successful initial period. Addressing Potential Risks: Bigrowtec acknowledges potential risks associated with MSBCs and has proactive measures in place: Market Competition: Bigrowtec continuously monitors competitor offerings and adapts services accordingly to maintain a competitive edge. Moreover we are a growing network, so, scale of economy advantages are there. Economic Downturns: Bigrowtec implements flexible pricing models and builds strong relationships with members to weather economic fluctuations. Attracting and Retaining Talent: As centrally managing Competitive salaries, benefits, and career development opportunities are offered to attract and retain qualified staff. Technological Advancements: Bigrowtec prioritizes regular infrastructure upgrades and staff training to stay current with evolving technologies. Bigrowtec's Competitive Advantages: Standardized Design and Operations: Ensures efficiency and cost-effectiveness across all MSBCs. Centralized Management: Provides consistent service quality and brand experience. Diverse Service Portfolio: Caters to a wider range of client needs compared to traditional co-working spaces. Strategic Partnerships: Leverages local expertise and resources to ensure successful center establishment. Conclusion: Investing in a Bigrowtec MSBC presents a compelling opportunity for high returns and positive social impact, and a strategic partnership with a growing player in India's MSBC market. We encourage you to discuss your specific investment goals and conduct further due diligence to make an informed decision.


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