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What we do?

In this hi-tech, i.e., industry 4.0 and AI era, whatever the businesses, manufacturing, service, or trading, we assist all micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), to adopt and implement low-cost process automation and digitalization,  considering their needs and budget, because no other options for growth aspirant MSMEs than adopting latest technologies and strategies, to survive and go ahead in these challenges.

Automation and digitalization help MSMEs to improve efficiency, productivity, integrity, and competitiveness, so, increase revenue and profit, in this volatile market.

Along with technologies, we provide growth strategies, including professional leadership and key employees, and help for peer group collaboration, for example, 1000 restaurants or 500 groceries cooperate in the purchase, advertisement, marketing, etc to save costs, in all possible fields.

Low-Cost Automation & Digitalization of MSMEs-                       Technology & Services

Simply, automation & digitalization Improve Efficiency, Better Efficiency leads to better production, better management, and a better market- and that leads to competitivity- ultimately stability, revenue, and profit growth are the result.


Adopting the right industry 4.0 automation technology can help SMEs focus on the core business, competition, diversification, expansion, and growth. Manual and repetitive tasks can be avoided by using automated technology. Moreover, if automated the chances of errors are reduced greatly. This can help the SMEs to save time- and cost, thereby increasing productivity, efficiency, sales, and revenue.


In this 4th industrial revolution, 4.0 compatible technology and low-cost automation are the need of the hour for the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to retain their market share, competitivity, and growth. Unless the SME sector takes a leap into automation and produces high-quality products and services at less cost, there is minimal chance for existing SMEs to sustain and grow. So, for the growth of each SME and to retain their position as a leading job market and as a backbone of manufacturing, every SME must take a step towards appropriate technology absorption and automation as soon- act fast for not to lose.


Importance of

Industry 4.0 in MSMEs

For a customer to buy a product or service, it must possess high utility and acceptability, proven reliability, desirable safety, and appealing elegance, all this, at fair and competitive costs. MSMEs or SMEs can achieve efficiency, productivity, integrity, and transparency, and the aforesaid goals of customer satisfaction in a timely and cost-effective way, by embracing Industry 4.0 technology and strategies like low-cost automation and digitalization in manufacturing and supply chain. Today, the Sensors, IoT, AI, Cloud, cognitive systems, ERPs, networks, communication, computation, storage, applications, and competitive business models are enabling this transformation due to their cost-effectiveness and increased availability.


 The emerging Industry 4.0 technologies and strategies allow traditional MSMEs for substantial improvements in production, supply chain and marketing- business operations, integration, processes, productivity, quality, and customer support, etc.  Efficiency and integrity across the manufacturing, supply chain, and marketing practices, otherwise which is difficult to achieve. It creates a level-playing environment across industries of all sizes and types.


Recent 4th industrial revolutional developments indicate that the benefits from such transformation to industry 4.0, digitalization, and globalization will exceed the benefits that India has witnessed through decades of committed and sustained revolution in the fields of technologies. Because business 4.0 or industry 4.0 technology is the biggest structural change of the past 250 years — a transformation of scale, scope, and complexity, unlike anything humankind has experienced before.


The importance and success of nationwide programs such as the Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT), Golden Quadrilateral, and Digital Payments transactions that were introduced at important junctures from time to time are now evident. ‘Make In India’ is one such ambitious initiative that calls for ’nationally significant transformation’ for India to be future-ready. It means no other options for Indian MSMEs who dream become BIG than applying industry 4.0 and changing to SME 4.0 => MNC

SME Automation
& Digitalization

Importance ​

Manufacturing automation

Every day, SMEs deal with numerous parties in the supply chain including material suppliers, product distributors, logistic companies, customers, financial institutions, and organizations outside of the company. Business efficiency is onerous when business processes are carried out manually. Technologies and practices that once helped SMEs grow might not be agile enough to combat the evolving needs of the growing business in an increasingly digitized world.


Manufacturing automation refers to the use of technology, robots, and automated equipment to power production processes and systems. This helps to establish lean assembly lines and greater efficiency through cost reductions and/or increased production capacity and accuracy.  Automation is key to operational efficiency and the vital tool that can be leveraged by SMEs to increase productivity,  efficiency, sales, and revenue- and save time and cost.

Productivity is the primary benefit of automation in manufacturing. Automating production processes saves time, improves performance, reduces operating costs, reduces human error, increases accuracy, and boosts productivity through these greater efficiencies. Repetitive, time-sensitive, and resource-heavy manufacturing tasks and processes are a sure indicator an organization will benefit from automation.

Technology and automation have become increasingly more established in manufacturing, and as with any other industry, innovations have been tweaked and improved over time. As demand increases, innovative automation tools and technology become more widely available at a lower cost. Accessible talent, advances in computing software, Ease of integration, and new capabilities are key in SME automation. Then,

Supply chain & marketing automation

Challenges to Indian MSMEs

Sales automation is the digitization of manual, time-consuming sales tasks using software, artificial intelligence (AI), and other digital tools. It aims to manage or own responsibilities that sales reps and managers do on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Sales automation benefits business, sales team, and bottom line in multiple ways. Sales automation increases the productivity, performance, efficiency, and accuracy of the sales team and total sales system/process.

Marketing automation digitizes the tasks that otherwise would take a lot of daily time and effort including sending email drip campaigns and follow-up messages, adding sales calls to your calendar, sending invoices, and posting on social media. Essentially, everything you need for customer relationship management can be done with a marketing automation strategy.
Possible automation and digitization of manufacturing, sales, and marketing dept lead small enterprises to perfection - growth path- increase 10x efficiency, productivity, performance, accuracy, and customer happiness. Ultimately, increase competitivity, sales, and revenue.


Digital Marketing
In this industry 4.0 and AI world, whether the business is small or large, it’s no longer a question of whether digital marketing is necessary. The question is how you and your business will use the internet and digital marketing, i.e., website, App, e-mail, social media, e-commerce, etc,   to effectively reach your target audience and increase sales. Because, 

In India, more than half of the population is internet users, by 2030 it will grow to 75%. And today’s internet users spend a daily average of nearly 3-4 hours on the internet, using it for communication, entertainment, research, information, and e-commerce. So, today, the internet and digital technology have become indispensable tools for almost any consumer making a decision. So, what? so, any business, small or large, can't go ahead without proper digital marketing.


What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a form of marketing or a way of reaching customers that leverages the internet and digital technologies, such as computers and smartphones, to connect with customers. More than running a sponsored Facebook or Instagram ad to drive sales, it's a set of practices that interacts with customers at every stage of the buying journey.  Digital marketing includes the website, email, social media, advertising, multimedia messaging, and e-commerce that is functioning through mobile and web. So,

In today's business landscape, whatever the business, whether it is a service provider or a retail store or a wholesaler or a restauranter, a small manufacturer, or an educational institute, the internet, and digital marketing are very critical, no other option. 
Today, it is clear that even small enterprises are increasingly relying on their digital marketing, as users’ interactions with brands and individuals via digital platforms become ever more the norm. Moreover,


Digital Payment

Along with the increase in sales, market, and advertising or promotion, digitization caused to increase the digital payments in India, which has decreased fraud and duplication. This saves time, effort, and money. Thus, it can be said that digitalization has helped MSMEs in India in terms of improved efficiency, productivity, transparency, reach, and accountability.



to Indian MSMEs

Though SME automation in India is in its infancy, slowly but surely SMEs are making their way into automation. When compared with large enterprises, SMEs are too lagging in the automation race. Large enterprises have the luxury of finance and financial support to acquire knowledge, infrastructure, resources, and solutions to explore the latest technology and maintain leadership in the automation race. Even though SMEs also face the same challenges as large enterprises like increasing quality standards, productivity, reducing costs, and improving delivery times, but SMEs do not have the same luxury of finance and access to solutions as large enterprises.

Low-Cost Automation (LCA)


Implementation Partners.

As discussed above procuring finance can be a big challenge for SMEs for automation, to counter this challenge, an innovative methodology Low cost automation (LCA) can be very helpful.  The phrase Low-Cost Automation (LCA) stands for a significant increase in productivity and efficiency with the help of simple and affordable automation in the form of robotics components. Depending on the scope of the application, entire processes or crucial and important parts can be automated.

Some of the simple techniques to accomplish low-cost automation are digitizing the sales and marketing dept fully and cooperating and making alliances with others in the supply chain and marketing- it reduces costs heavily.  Moreover,  use locally developed automated production plants, import used production plants, procure used Robots, automate only complicated and critical processes, focus on using and automating existing machines, tools, processes, people, etc., and always be innovative in increasing efficiency, reducing costs- i.e. increasing automation.


Low-cost automation

Implementation Partners.

SMEs who are seriously looking for automation are finding it very hard to find the right and low-cost automation solution and the right implementation partner who can handhold and be part of the SME automation journey. Currently, the technology, solutions, and service providers are mostly catering to the needs of large enterprises with very less focus on SMEs. Mostly the solutions provided to SMEs are stripped-down versions of solutions provided to large enterprises, which may not match SME needs and processes.

Are looking for low-cost automation? @BIGrowtech, we have everything you need for cost-effective process automation from a single source. We assist to find complete technology and systems for fully or partially automated, individual components, ERPs, individual solutions, or for expanding existing applications. Along with technology, we help to find finance or funding support for automation, help for finding used production plants, used robots, co-operative alliance in the purchase, sales, and marketing, etc.

Tech up

and cost down.
We love our clients, so we work with client enterprises to upgrade to 4.0 technology and solve the production, sales, and marketing problems- helping small enterprises to transform and grow into medium, MNCs, and unicorns.

11 pillars
of industry 4.0. 

Industry 4.0 relies on data and analytics to drive technologies that will improve productivity and drive unnecessary costs out of the manufacturing and supply chain process

1. Mobile Devices

Industry 4.0 is driven by the availability of mobile. Data can be shared readily with workers and customers have access to information like never before.

2. IoT Platforms

The Internet of Things involves a system of computing devices that are interrelated, including both digital and mechanical machines that can move data over a network without requiring human interaction or even human-to-computer interaction.

3. Location Detection Technologies

This includes the use of wireless technologies to determine the location of a device or sensor.

4. Advanced Human-Machine Interfaces

These interfaces connect humans and machines and can be as simple as the use of a touch screen versus knobs and controls.

5. Authentication and Fraud Detection

This form of detection allows for the identification of an appropriate user or process and ensures that the appropriate action is authorized.

6. 3D Printing

3D printing allows for the creation of a 3-dimensional object from a computer-aided design.

7. Smart Sensors

These are sensors that are applied in various areas of the manufacturing process. They provide real-time data and analytics to allow for faster adjustments that can drive profitability and increase customer satisfaction.

8. Big Data Analytics and Algorithms

This information is stored in the Cloud and can be easily accessed at any time during the manufacturing process to make real-time adjustments.

9. Multi-level Customer Interaction and Profiling

Sensors, mobile, and other customer interactions allow for access to customer data to drive real-time production and product changes.

10. Augmented Reality/Wearables

Designed to improve safety, quality and productivity, augmented reality/wearables solicit digitization to improve on what a human can do on the manufacturing line.

11. Cloud Computing

All the data retrieved during the manufacturing process must be saved somewhere where it’s easily accessible. With Cloud Computing, data is not stored on the premises or on a device, but in a data center location connected to the internet.

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