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Combined & Multi-Channel Financing for SMEs


is the big challenge to SMEs
Fundraising (loan, debt, or equity) has been a big challenge for SMEs- be it at the start-up stage, growth, expansion, or maturity. Fundraising is described as a painful exercise by many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) mainly due to their lack of awareness about the appropriate approach and hence vulnerable to exploitation by unscrupulous elements.

The cost of starting a small business and expanding to the next level can be daunting, even if someone has an excellent idea, market, or extremely innovative product. Most SME owners look towards lending institutions to ease the cost of starting a business. However, not every one of these institutions is friendly to small business or startup owners.

Therefore, the unavailability of proper credit or funding is one of the most significant problems faced by SMEs. SME loans often come with complex documentation, the need for extensive collateral, strict repayment tenures, and higher interest rates. These can make it difficult for SME owners to opt for SME loans and their desire of expanding their business.
Fundraising can be pain-free and can do wonders for potential enterprises (SMEs)  if it is approached methodically- and works with BIGrowtec.  We help you to make fundraising a pleasant one.

Our strategy
We work for potential enterprises (our clients) to raise sufficient funds for their strategic expansion and growth, diversification, and modernization in a combined and multi-channel way. 

Our SME Financing strategy

A Combined & Multi-channel fundraising

A combined way means mixing bank /institute loans, Govt agency grants, local private equity/debt investment, development agency loans/grants, venture capital, angel investment, local investors, crowdfunding, if needed foreign agency loans depending on the enterprise, etc.


How we do for multi-channel fundraising? 

In this unique mixed fundraising campaign, we deal, meet, discuss and finalize with the appropriate lending agencies and investors on behalf of the entrepreneur.

So, we modify the business/growth plan or business reengineering plan to make it impressable to investors- and lenders. Yes, we make a growth plan compatible with the latest 4.0 technologies and strategies to multiply efficiency, competitiveness,  market, and revenue-  potential to investors- lenders & funders.  In this, we explain the new opportunity, strategy, technology, market,  USPs, resources,  commitments, and revenue potential to lenders and investors.


Our strength

to support enterprises in growth.

To revive and grow to full potential, enterprises need full pledged support- mainly, adequate funds, market, the newest technology, and leadership.  BIGrowtec team shoulder-to-shoulder works with small enterprises to unlock their growth potential by applying the newest strategies, low-cost automation technology, and skilled leadership.


Our strength to offer a-z support to revive and grow enterprises is our working link and close association with central and state Govt industrial development agencies, Govt cluster development programs, 50+ banks, industrial financing agencies, and foreign funding agencies, MSME Dept, and NIESBUD.  


We are also close associates with reputed management and technology institutes like IIMs, IITs, NITs, Top-notch institutes, venture capitalists, and technology, and automation companies. We have distribution right for advanced manufacturing, automation machines, equipment, and raw materials.


Our vision is to help 5000 potential small enterprises to transform into the next big level and MNCs, in 10 years. With the right full pledged support, potential small-size enterprises could significantly transform and grow to medium- and MNC levels.


Our strength depends on our belief that many huge corporate houses of today began as small enterprises when they were founded. Infosys, Google, Facebook, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Apple, IKEA, and Amazon are examples of corporate behemoths,  which were founded as small businesses. 


Our mission is to fully equip SMEs to transform to industry 4.0 and grow into the next big level and MNCs using cutting-edge strategy, technology, marketing alliance, data, and consulting- i.e. increase efficiency, competitiveness, reach
, sales, revenue- and 100% happiness in the ecosystem.

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