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Our Story

More about us

As an end-to-end SME 4.0 consulting, we design and implement simple but updated solutions for complex growth problems of small enterprises who dream become BIG. Our solutions are simple to implement, low cost, compatible to industry 4.0, and aligned with the capabilities of your team. Focused on providing a-z consulting and services for MSMEs for growing to SME 4.0, and future MNC, and being a venture of future.



Our systematic growth Consulting approach,

for changing to SME 4.0 and growing to future MNC have the

  • Review: engage with the team to understand the existing processes, pain points, and aspirations, analyze relevant data

  • Planning: design a solution proposal with clarity of action – “Who does what by how”. The proposal would include cost and effort assumptions along with an improvement or goal forecast

  • Monitor Implementation: planned reviews and interventions to ensure the plan is on the right track and expected outcomes are achieved. 

How we do?

Simply, we are a specialist business consulting and service firm, focused on shoulder-to-shoulder work with selected micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), who dream become big, to transform them into SME 4.0 and future MNC.  Yes, we help them to reach their full potential and targeted growth, by adopting industry 4.0 technology, and the newest marketing and management strategies. OfCourse, we simplify, make competitive, and growthify your businesses through a system of low-cost automation (LCA) and digitalization, multi-channel marketing, purchase and marketing alliances, and quality leadership.


As an SME growth solution provider, we guide them for a smooth transition from a normal MSME to SME 4.0 and MNC by adopting industry 4.0- and to start smart manufacturing and logistics. 

Yes, we provide industry 4.0 revival plan, growth strategy, low-cost automation & digitalization, marketing, capable leadership, funding, etc,- whatever the businesses, the manufacturing, construction, agriculture, service, logistic, retail, wholesale, or distribution. Today, 


Following are the main challenges facing small enterprises in India and we have cutting-edge solutions for all of them
1. Lack of Credit - lack of finance
2. Lack of Advanced Technology.

3. Inadequate Marketing.
4. Lack of Professional Leadership (CEO, CFO...)

5. Attracting new customers - and maintaining profitability
In these, finding adequate finance or securing finance is the main and foremost important. Inadequate Marketing is the second big challenge. But if have able executive leadership, funding and all other big challenges can be solved easily. Yes, a visionary leader can solve problems.


What we do?
With our low-cost automation (LCA) and digitalization technology, multi- channel market, combined way of fundraising, and strategic consulting support we inspire and guide MSMEs or small businesses to grow to SME 4.0 and MNC, for outdo the competition, grow to the next level, and expand business internationally. Help MSMEs who dream become big to change to SME 4.0 by adopting industry 4.0 and being MNC are our main. Of course, we work shoulder-to-shoulder with our client enterprises to ensure their organizations' capability of achieving the transformation and growth they want and maintaining it for years. Because,


In this uncertain time

no other option for MSMEs than​

Change to SME 4.0 and Intl. 

Yes, we work with MSMEs, who dream become big, for their smooth and fast transition to SME 4.0 by implementing industry 4.0 technology. Because in this tight competitive market no other option for growth aspirant micro and small enterprises but to adopt industry 4.0 technologies and change to SME 4.0. Because only implementation of low-cost automation and digitization can lead MSMEs to start smart manufacturing, supply chain, and marketing, which improves efficiency, productivity, revenue, and acceptance- that is what today the Indian MSMEs demand. So, indeed, there are only two options to choose for small enterprises, adopt industry 4.0, change to SME 4.0 => MNC, and grow to venture of future, or close forever- the industrial technology revolution is that fast.


At BIGrowtec, we work to align a client company’s business growth goals with its technology, management, finance, supply chain, product development, sales, marketing, and other operational functions.  Because in the technology 4.0 integrated businesses, there’s a direct, visible, transparent, and cost-effective line from purchasing, production, and inventory to sales and marketing to financial targets and budgets- so easy to manage. So,


How we do?
We introduce ourselves as a specialist SME 4.0 consultancy focused on fast transforming potential small industries into medium scale- and unicorns and international. The role- the duty and responsibility- of BIGrowtec Consulting is to identify client enterprises' a-z growth issues- mainly, in management, production, technology, supply chain management, sales and marketing, and customer service issues, at the root level and strategically analyze, plan, and implement solutions.  We are a creative problem solver that can help SMEs to work more efficiently, customer success, and grow to the next big level.  We help Indian MSMEs to take advantage of and adopt new 4IR compatible technologies and strategies easily.

Growth Roadmap.
Today's small businesses face several challenges on how to grow or accelerate their growth. So, BIGrowtec Consulting has developed a complete and comprehensive roadmap to reach industry 4.0 and successful. Because even experienced enterprise owners and management encounter barriers when it comes to executing and delivering on strategic growth plans. The experience, skills, and behaviors that enable them to excel day to day are not necessarily the same capabilities that are required to progress in the new 4IR plan.


Our strength

to support enterprises in growth.

To revive and grow to full potential, enterprises need full pledged support- mainly, adequate funds, market, the newest technology, and leadership.  BIGrowtec team shoulder-to-shoulder works with small enterprises to unlock their growth potential by providing the newest strategies, low-cost automation technology, 100% market, and skilled leadership.


Our strength is our association

Our strength to offer a-z support to revive and grow enterprises is our working link and close association with central and state Govt industrial development agencies, Govt cluster development programs, 50+ banks, industrial financing agencies, and foreign funding agencies, MSME Dept, and NIESBUD.  


We are also close associates with reputed management and technology institutes like IIMs, IITs, NITs, Top-notch institutes, venture capitalists, and technology and automation companies. We have distribution rights and supplies of advanced manufacturing plants, process automation machines, equipment, ERPs, and raw materials- including from abroad.


Our long term visions

Help 5000 potential micro and small enterprises to transform into the next big level and MNCs, in 10 years. With the right full pledged support, potential small-size enterprises could significantly transform and grow to medium- and MNC levels.


Our strength depends on our belief that many huge corporate houses of today began as small enterprises when they were founded. Infosys, Google, Facebook, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Apple, IKEA, and Amazon are examples of corporate behemoths, which were founded as small businesses. 



Our mission is shoulder-to-shoulder dedicated work with growth aspirant MSMEs for smooth transition to SME 4.0 and MNC and start smart manufacturing and logistics. The industry 4.0 and growth into the next big level and MNC is output.  We provide cutting-edge strategy, technology, plant, machines & equipment, marketing alliance, funding, leadership, data, consulting, and assurance to our client enterprises all under a roof in a contract- that is in association with concerned bodies. That increases efficiency, competitiveness, reach, sales, revenue- and 100% happiness in the ecosystem.  


Our Journey

5 years ago, Mr. Ajith, moved out of Kerala and set up his marketing business in Bangalore which bulk supplied products, raw materials, and machinery to small enterprises. During the course of his business, he could understand the day-to-day problems facing him and other small enterprises and the necessity of professional services and automation. First, he wanted to approach a business service provider and automate his business but found existing business services extremely complicated, unaffordable, and difficult for small enterprises. With a vision to simplify professional business services to small enterprises, he start a professional business service which led to the birth of BIGrowtec in 2015. Since its inception, we have been working relentlessly to acquire the knowledge and skills, and network to serve small enterprises; and provide robust business services, end-to-end marketing support, low-cost technologies, consulting, and applications- to small and medium enterprises. 

Our Goal

To be the back force and mentor of the Indian small industry sector that drives the economic growth of India, by 2030. We dream of India as the powerhouse of the world. We believe, that to make India the powerhouse of the world, the Indian small business sector should be empowered, digitalized, and internationalized- and made compatible with the 4th industrial revolution- we work for that.

We believe that the circulation of money is key to driving economic growth. Hence, in order to achieve our goal, our professional services and technologies will be centered around simplifying commerce for enterprises all over India and making it easier for people to transact. This will ensure that the economic process is more simplified, more is produced, more are sold, more value gets added, more gets demanded, more is spent, and more is earned. A faster cycle is a winning situation for all stakeholders and creates a rich and prosperous India. 

Drive Long-Term Value With Consulting.

Our Purpose
To Make Everyone Who uses BIGrowtec Consulting Happier and bigger.
When we constantly strive to make small enterprises more professional, happier, and future giants it brings new dimensions to clients' thinking, Indian prosperity, and growth prospect- add value to people's lives. 


Our people's Philosophy.
We consciously work towards ensuring our workforce become the true representatives of small entrepreneurs, and help them to feel respected and able to give their best- to entrepreneurs as clients and the country as total. We treat our workforce as managers, team leaders, directors, and partners to offer freedom and respect to them, and allow them to work from home conveniently-from anywhere in India. 
Our focus is to attract, develop and retain people with different perspectives, experiences, skills, aptitudes, and backgrounds to support us in our journey. We are committed to inclusive leadership where leaders ensure that our people are empowered to be at their best, professionally, and personally.  Ours is a nation-building program, we want to absorb experts- including working and retired, to be part of this assignment, work part-time or full time to help the Indian small business sector revolution. You are welcome.

Drive Long-Term Value With Consulting.
A lot has changed yet one fact remains constant – leaders must focus on core business objectives to sell more, manage risk and optimize costs. And while the need to drive efficiency and create value has not changed, new trends have increased complexity and the need for a well-grounded strategy. 
Your organization must disrupt before being disrupted by new technology,  digital capabilities, aggressive merger and acquisition activity, and nimble new market entrants. We believe high-quality experts will outperform a high quantity of generalists. Our collaborative approach brings the appropriate industry, data, and technology experts needed. 
If you need help addressing the rapid volume of challenges and opportunities, contact us to see if our expertise matches your specific needs.

Going digital requires holistic thinking that puts humans at the center of everything. we deliver complete solutions including enterprise strategies, technologies, and implementation services to master digital convergence. We integrate our unique outside-in approach to people, processes, and technology to orchestrate digital empowerment across the core front-, middle-, and back offices to address today's business challenges.

Our Strategy.
Deliver high-touch, industry-focused, independent, low-cost, and indispensable advice & solutions to businesses. Through expertise, experience, and thought leadership we deliver human centric-digital solutions so clients can take full advantage of digital convergence.


We offer a full complement of digital engagement solutions across production, marketing, sales, commerce, service, and customer service as well as the supporting expertise and technology capabilities. We’re proud of our capability to view the world through our client’s perspectives—and those of their end customers—resulting in more flexible, low cost and tailored solutions.

Walking around in the city

Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt Ltd- empowering people & enterprises
to win in this AI era.

Who we are?

BIGrowtec is an emerging all-in-one holistic consulting in India with a distinctive mission of making Indian MSMEs and higher educational institutes future-ready and tomorrow's centers of excellence, so, making India developed and prosperous. 


What we do?

In this industry 4.0 and AI era, whatever the businesses and institutes, are micro, small, startup, or medium, enterprises, or engineering colleges, all need the latest technology and growth strategy to survive, no other option. In these challenges, we assist MSMEs and professional colleges to adopt the latest technologies and growth strategies including low-cost process automation and digitalization, efficient leadership, cost-effective staffing, peer group collaboration in the purchase, sales, mktg & branding, etc. 



Why MSMEs? 99.9% of enterprises in India are MSMEs. 30% of GDP, 50% of export, and 45-50% of employment are from the MSME sector. So, no doubt, the backbone of the Indian economy is the MSME sector. So, simply, fast growth and urgent modernization of the Indian MSME sector are a must and mandatory to support the fast pace development of the Indian economy. In this hi-tech AI era, we identify, the growth and modernization of Indian MSMEs is only possible through their automation, digitalization, peer group collaboration, and the betterment of leadership. So, at BIGrowtec, we have the expertise to provide end-to-end consulting and services to growth aspirant MSMEs for adopting the latest but low-cost technologies and growth strategies. Of course, simply, we make them able to transform into SME 4.0 and industry 4.0 and grow to global standards and MNC levels, considering their needs and affordability.


For Institutes

Today, the world's most populated India is the only global human resource hub. India needs modern engineers and managers to meet developmental needs, while global countries look to India for modern skilled and reskilled staff needs. Of course, in this AI era, old skills, and education styles will not work out. So, the urgent upgradation of the Indian tech education sector to global standards is a must to produce modern employees, to meet Indian and global needs. So, we have a wing to provide all-in-one consulting and services mainly, for excelling quality, popularity, and branding of professional colleges, mainly, to engineering, management, business, and commerce colleges, which face challenges. Because, today, no other options for MSMEs and small individual colleges to compete, survive and go ahead than adopt new technologies, strategies, and apt leadership, coop, and change to the global standard. We take responsibility and work shoulder-to-shoulder with client enterprises and institutes to achieve growth targets on time.

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