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Modern Education Center

Transforming Ordinary Colleges into


Challenges are common in every student’s life everywhere including India, but as an engineering, Business, and commerce student, students in India face challenges a little more than all others.

Major challenges are.

Foundational Challenges 


01. Lack of Language Proficiency:

Whether the Engineering, business, management, or commerce education is a comprehensive course taught completely in English, students from remote areas find it extremely difficult to understand, because most of their education would be in their local language and even the brightest of them find it difficult to understand English. 


02- Lack of conceptual clarity:  

No basic ideas in maths, problem solving, and concerned / selected subject is big challenges the Indian ordinary students face, it effect then through out education.​


03. Socioeconomic Disparity:

Students from disadvantaged backgrounds may face financial difficulties affording higher education, limiting access and opportunities.


Systemic Issues (High Importance):


04. Lack of resources and shortage of efficient faculty: 
Currently, in India, there is a serious dearth of well-educated, reliable, qualified, and sound educators. As per research, there is an acute shortage of skilled faculty in engineering and management colleges in India, especially private colleges. So, such colleges end up taking whomsoever have minimum qualifications and skills. And many colleges can't afford the cost of highly skilled faculties.


05. Inefficient Institution leadership and management:

Cause resistance to change, oppose innovation, limited strategic planning, focus on quantity over quality are the results, not good to students development. 


06- Lack of systems for continous Monitoring & Evaluation of performance:

The lack of a system for continuous monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of performance (of faculty and students) is a major limitation in the Indian higher education system, especially in ordinary engineering and management colleges.


Learning and Development Challenges:


07. Lesser Exposure to the lab, workshop, live projects, and practical:
Technical and management subjects require that students understand, get familiar with, and be exposed to examples of the use of engineering and business management principles as applicable in real life. Unfortunately, the chance for exposure is very limited at present.


08. Outdated Infrastructure:

Some institutions may have inadequate infrastructure, including libraries, labs, and technology resources, hindering the quality of education.


09. Curse of Rote Learning:

The Indian engineering and management education system is mere exam oriented. Most of the 2nd and 3rd tier colleges do not promote innovation and research; the students quickly mug up books without understanding basic engineering concepts.


10. Absorbing more than Capacity:

A classroom is a heterogeneous group of students. The teaching should be taking into consideration of the absorbing capability of every student. But now-a-days, we find around and over 100 students in the same class. Below-average students, below-average teachers, and crowded classrooms. What shall output?


Employability and Career Challenges 


11. Lack of Employability:

According to a study, in India, out of the total graduate engineers from technical institutions, more than 60 percent remain unemployed for various reasons, where the main reason is the lack of employability skills. There are thousands of engineering colleges in India but companies could not find properly skilled candidates as per demand.


12. Inefficiant Internship & training Cell:

Over 80% of engineering and business colleges in India lack a proper channel for student internship and training placement. They may have a placement cell but nobody to run it efficiently.


13. Inefficiant Placement Cell:

A large number of engineering and business colleges in India lack a proper channel for student placement. They may have a placement cell but nobody to run it efficiently. 


14. Lesser Industry  & Community Link:

 Colleges try to organize Industrial visits for students to increase industry interactions, but it is rare and not as effective as it should be.


Other Challenges​


15. Lack of Mental Health Awareness:

Mental health issues can be a concern among students facing academic pressure and competitive environments. Support systems to address these issues may be lacking.​​​​​


16. Lack of ideas development and startup incubation opportunities:

Many colleges lacks programs and events that expose students to the world of new ideas and startups and equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to develop and launch their own ventures.


17. Lack of Soft Skills Training:

While technical skills are important, soft skills like communication, teamwork, and critical thinking are crucial for success in the workplace. Curriculums may not adequately address these areas.


True Fact

18. Today, ordinary Campus does not Prefer by Students, Parents and Recruiters: 
Only 10% of total engineering and management institutes have more than 50% campus placement. 90% of Indian Engineering and management colleges have only less than 10% campus placement, how horrible is? 


Yes, challenges are common in every student’s life everywhere, but Indian students face challenges a little more than all others. It is fact that If colleges solve all their strategic issues and be more efficient, all major challenges to students are automatically solved- the outcome is employable generation and shining India.  ColleGems is the innovative project to solve the students challenges and empower them by solving the real problems the colleges facing in India.

ColleGems is a proud initiative in the Indian higher education landscape; dedicated to "Transforming Ordinary Colleges into Centers of Excellence, Making Them Feel Large and Branded, and Empowering Them to Thrive through a Powerful Network."

BIGrowtec Consulting Pvt Ltd is proud to introduce the "ColleGems" project, a highly visionary and futuristic initiative that unites over 150 professional colleges across India—primarily individual and private engineering, business, management, and commerce colleges—into an informal alliance. This cooperation allows these institutions to pool and share resources, fostering mutual growth and enhancing their competitive edge.


The Power of Mutual Cooperation:

Through collaboration at academic, infrastructure, facility, and management levels, "ColleGems" aims to reduce costs, improve efficiency, performance, acceptance, brand image, and value position. By coming together, these small colleges form a large nationwide network, creating a significant brand presence.


The Need for Such Powerful Collaboration:

Today, large, group, and branded institutions are more accepted and successful, while individual smaller colleges face numerous challenges. The market cannot sustain the current number of ordinary institutions, particularly small private colleges. In the Industry 4.0 era, factors such as size, popularity, reputation, acceptance, brand image, and values are crucial for an institution's success. Recruiters prefer larger, well-branded colleges, leading to a disparity in student and parent perceptions of smaller institutions.


Addressing the Challenges:
Private and small colleges in India face unacceptance, squeezed revenues and rising costs. Quality consciousness, stringent norms, college grading, lack of upgradation, and falling admissions have forced many institutions to consider shutting down. These challenges are too significant and tough for individual colleges to tackle alone. The solution lies in peer collaboration and alliance across all possible fields.


Our Unique Services for Professional Colleges:

BIGrowtec's "ColleGems" project offers end-to-end consulting,  professional services, and shoulder-to-shoulder support to transform participating colleges to global standards and centers of excellence. This project making them competitive, accepted, and remarkable in the fast-changing world of education 4.0. Our goal is to ensure that students enjoy employable education at affordable costs, including in non-urban areas.


Our holistic Support for Colleges include

  • Technical Teachers Training: Producing talented teachers and upgrading them timely.

  • Best Teachers' Placement: Sourcing, recruiting, and appointing talented teachers on contract, temporary, or permanent basis.

  • Upskill Training for Teachers: Regular skill evaluations and upskill training sessions.

  • Leadership Placement: Appointing experienced education managers and CEOs

  • Automation & Digitalization: Assisting with full system automation (ERP).

  • 24x7 Student Care: Managing dedicated student care cells with remote counselors.

  • Infrastructure Development: Modernizing facilities like labs, libraries, and smart classes.

  • Campus Makeover: Designing impressive and modern campuses.

  • Soft Skill Development: Providing trainers for language and soft skill training.

  • Career Counseling: Arranging annual career counseling and motivational sessions.

  • Inter-Collegiate Programs: Organizing competitions, sessions, and workshops.

  • Multi-Services Business Center: Help community as well as students for startup incubation, internship, training, placement etc, improve college-community-industry link.

  • Annual Business and Tech Conferences: Help to connect and contribute to community growth and local developments. 

  • Internships: Arranging internships for performing students.

  • Training Placement: Connect to students to industry for 

  • College-Industry Link: Managing industry connections and visits.

  • Smart Classes: Arranging online smart classes and live sessions.

  • Campus Placement: Managing efficient placement cells and attracting recruiters.

  • Off Campus Placement Cell: It is to help students who do not get campus placement, 100% placement is the goal.

  • Powerful Startup Incubation Cell: To help startup focused students.

  • Drive to Attract Students: from across India and global, no vacant seats is the goal.

  • Student Exchange Programs: Facilitating exchange programs with Indian and international colleges.

  • Local Knowledge Centers: Transforming colleges into local knowledge and innovation hubs.

  • Happiness Cell: Creating a vibrant and proud campus atmosphere.


The Essence of "ColleGems": 
"ColleGems" is about survival and revival of existing challenging colleges. It is an initiative to explore new opportunities, improve grades, acceptance, popularity, and brand image, and create a large nationwide group through resource pooling and sharing. This collaboration reduces costs and efforts, improving competitiveness, efficiency, and performance.


The Future of Indian Professional Colleges:

The ultimate beneficiaries of this collaboration are the students, who will receive a quality education that enhances their employability. By joining "ColleGems," colleges can avoid the easy yet heartbreaking option of shutdown and instead revive to excellence, creating memorable and impactful educational experiences.


Join Us in Shaping the Future:

We invite college leaders to partner with BIGrowtec and be part of the "ColleGems" project. Together, we can transform your institution, enhance its reputation and acceptance, and ensure its success in the competitive educational landscape.


BIGrowtec - "ColleGems" Project
Empowering small professional colleges to thrive in a globalized, Industry 4.0 education environment.

Colleagues in Hallway

Today, we need centers of excellence and large brands- not mere colleges.

It is certain: The time has arrived for small, private, individual, and remote colleges to unite, pool resources, and share expertise to enhance acceptance, grades, and popularity.


  • The current market cannot sustain the vast number of outdated small colleges prevalent today.

  • India boasts a significant number of colleges, with over 5000 engineering colleges alone. However, a mere 5% of these institutions qualify as centers of excellence, while the remaining 95% do not.

  • Today, there is a pressing need for globally standardized educational centers and reputable brands, not just outdated institutions.

What are the Unique Services we have for the challenging Professional Colleges

At BIGrowtec, we offer a range of unique services specifically designed to help professional colleges thrive in today's highly competitive and fast-changing world. Our goal is to equip these institutions to sustain and excel by addressing the core challenges they face.


The Challenges Faced by Private and Small Colleges in India

Currently, the market is oversaturated with ordinary institutions, particularly small private colleges, which struggle to survive. In the Industry 4.0 era, factors such as size, popularity, reputation, acceptance, brand image, and values significantly influence a college’s success.


Key Issues:

  1. Recruiter Preferences: Recruiters often overlook ordinary colleges, leading to diminished value perception among students and their parents.

  2. Efficiency and Success: Large institutions and groups with established reputations and quality assurance are generally more efficient and successful.

  3. Financial Pressures: Higher education institutions face squeezed revenues and rising costs. Increased quality consciousness, stringent norms, college grading, and declining admissions have forced many to consider shutting down.


These challenges are severe and cannot be addressed by colleges individually. The solution lies in collaboration and leveraging shared resources through a powerful network like ColleGems.

Exploring The Synergy: We Explore The Power of Informal Collaboration and Alliance in Cost-Effective Scaling.

The accurate solution to the challenges faced by small colleges is peer collaboration and alliance across all possible fields. Therefore, we have initiated and promoted a super alliance of over 100 like-minded professional colleges from across India.

The future of small colleges hinges on proper collaboration and alliance—there are no other options. This group primarily consists of small, private, individual engineering, management, business, and commerce colleges from across the country.


Goals and Benefits

The goal of this alliance is to enhance the academic, infrastructure, management, financial, and value positions of each participating college at a fraction of the actual cost. More importantly, it aims to improve the grades, acceptance, popularity, and brand image of each college by forming a large nationwide group.

By pooling and sharing resources, this ecosystem significantly reduces costs and efforts, while improving competitiveness, efficiency, and performance. Co-branding is the centerpiece of this initiative.


Survival and Growth

Initially, this collaboration is about survival. However, it also opens up new areas and opportunities for participating colleges. The ultimate beneficiaries of this collaboration are the students, who will enjoy employable education at affordable costs, especially as most of these colleges are not located in urban areas.


While shutting down is easy but heartbreaking, reviving to excellence is a bit challenging but deeply rewarding. We make these memories meaningful and intelligent. Join us in this journey of revival and excellence.


Bigrowtec Consulting Pvt Ltd, Corrazone, Ernakulam-682022

+91 7907914151

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Why Are Collaboration and Alliances Among Colleges Crucial for the Future of Indian Higher Education?

  • Student enrollment is declining annually, while new, branded, and larger institutes continue to emerge.

  • Hundreds of institutes close each year, stringent quality norms prevail, and overseas institutions attract a growing number of students.

  • Today, students and parents prioritize the quality, value, and reputation of institutes more than ever before.

  • In this intensely competitive landscape, especially for private, small, and individual engineering, business/management, and commerce colleges, collaboration or alliance with like-minded institutions across all domains is imperative.

  • Such informal partnerships aim to enhance the academic, infrastructure, management, financial, and overall positioning of each participating college through resources pooling and sharing.

  • Peer collaboration fosters the growth of a large nationwide group, making each college feel like part of a larger entity. This unity leads to the development of efficient systems and processes. The sense of belonging can significantly boost acceptance, popularity, and enhance the brand image to each college in the group

  • Collaboration also significantly reduces costs and efforts while enhancing operational efficiency and performance through co-branding and shared resource pooling.

  • Initially peer collaboration is crucial for survival, later these alliances can pave the way for exploring new growth opportunities in the dynamic Indian higher education sector.

Of course, the time has come for even small colleges for collaborating and being large, branded, and popular - for sake of prosperous India and world.

Why colleges' collaboration is so crucial now?

The current cost structure of colleges cannot support an era of declining numbers of students because too many institutions are more dependent than ever on enrollment for the bulk of their revenue. 

Across higher education, revenue is squeezed while costs are rising. The fundamental problem is that there are too many institutions, mainly, private, small, and individual institutions, chasing too few students. The biggest decline in enrollment has been among small and private colleges. Falling enrollment has forced many institutions to push up their discount rate to attract students. 

To counter these trends, tuition-dependent colleges either should increase their value proposition, brand image, acceptance among students and parents, and popularity to students to raise revenue or cut costs. Collaborating with other like-minded institutions can help on both fronts. Collaboration improves efficiency and performance while decreasing costs. It should not be seen as just a strategy for weaker players to survive. It should be seen as a national interest.


In this new era of higher education, the scale, size, popularity, acceptance, brand image, and worthiness of an institution matter to a college’s ultimate acceptance and success. 

This is an opportune time for colleges with few risk factors and more advantages to build models for collaboration and cement their position as a leader in this new era of higher education.

Today, institutions have found more efficient and successful in operating at a large scale with brand image. Think enhancement, or are small but with few risk factors, Think differentiation, have a unique moment in this new era to strengthen their value points through collaboration.

Collaborations are not limited to nearby colleges. Advances in technology can now link together institutions that are separated by hundreds or thousands of miles.

How can we structure and sustain collaboration?

In this tough scenario, BIGrowtec team shoulder-to-shoulder works with colleges to structure the alliance and sustain the alliance as mutually beneficial as happy.

Step 1: Identify areas for collaboration.
Collaboration/alliance can take many different forms and doesn’t always need to be seen as resulting in a merger or acquisition. Based on our survey of colleges, the most common type of alliance is academics. And collaboration on management/ administrative, infrastructure facilities, and services is also common.


Step 2: Structure potential alliance opportunities.
Institutions choose collaborating partners based less on proximity and more on the importance of shared vision. In our survey, college management who engaged in academic collaborations said the largest challenge was internal resistance as they attempted to structure the alliance. Here, BIGrowtec team manages the deals and negotiations to reduce pressures to participants.

Step 3: Sustain the benefits of the alliance.
Forging a partnership might be an easy task; sustaining/maintaining the benefits of the alliance over the long term could prove more difficult. It is said students were the biggest beneficiaries of an alliance of colleges because they can improve the value of an education.

ColleGems Project

BIGrowtec's "ColleGems" project is end-to-end Consulting & professional services for Engineering, management, business, & commerce colleges and institutes in India for transformation to global standards. We make them compatible with industry 4.0- education 4.0, level, and make them competitive and remarkable. 

College Leaders,

this one is for you.

You represent an educational institution, engineering, business, management, or commerce college, now you are seriously trying to transform and break through silos that have existed for years. As you know, only while creating a remarkable learning environment and experience so students graduate in a manner that manifests your institution’s mission.

Consider BIGrowtec as your partner and catalyst to bring these changes to your institute.


BIGrowtec has developed a team that has experience in helping higher educational institutions, mainly engineering, business/management, and commerce colleges, in total empowerment. The team can help them on addressing all strategic issues and major challenges including issues in academics, infrastructure, and management levels. Whatever the infrastructural improvement, facility & faculty, operating efficiency, automation, cost management and reduction, growth strategy, branding, alliance and accreditation, national and international tie-ups, leadership, acceptance and popularity, organizational effectiveness, or funding strategy, we have a customized strategic solution. And our team shoulder-to-shoulder works with client institutes up to the result- in a customized way.


List of

our services

to "ColleGems" group colleges.


Best Teachers' Placement.

We source, recruit, and appoint naturally talented and well-trained modern teachers on a contract, temporary, and permanent basis- so, learning process quite interesting.

Upskill Training to Teachers.

Arrange frequent skill evaluation and upskill training sessions for teachers- to maintain teaching quality.

Leadership placement.

We appoint well-trained and domain experienced modern education managers and CEOs- to lead institutes to success- on a full-time, part-time basis or contract basis.

Automation & Digitalization.

We assist for full system automation (ERP). We offer the service of trained analysts and ERP specialists to perform your entire management, operation, and admin system.

24x7 Students Care 

Manage well-arranged student care cells with 24x7 dedicated student counselors- remotely.

Infrastructure Development

Help to establish or modernize the essential infra facilities- labs, workshops, libraries, etc. And also help to setup modern smart class, physical fitness center, hostels, modern conference hall etc.

Campus Makeover

We help to design and maintain the college and campus so beautiful and impressive- makeover to modern college. The atmosphere provided on campus can either add or detract from the student experience as a whole - and given most students live on campus for up to four years, the physical feel of campus is incredibly important when it comes to student productivity and well-being.

Soft Skill Development

We supply special trainers and coaches for language skill and soft skill training to students on a contract/conditional basis- to improve employability.

Career counselors

We arrange career counseling and motivational sessions- at least once in a year. This helps students identify and explore career options, make informed decisions about their future, and develop strategies. 

Inter-collegiate Programs

We conduct/coordinate/organize college level and peer group inter colleges level programs, competitions, sessions, conferences, and workshops - to match skills, talents, and improve competitivity and performance.


We arrange internships for all performing students. Only the Internships provide exposure to the real world for students, especially engineering and management students. One can learn how to apply the knowledge that has been acquired in real workplaces. Good Internships much help in campus placement.

College -Industry Link

We arrange/manage college-industry linking and frequent industrial visits. It strongly supports to raising the employability and communication skills of students.

Smart Classes

Arrange well-structured online smart classes, telecast live classes, and sessions from expert teachers and coaches.

Campus Placement

Manage an efficient campus placement cell at the college level. Not only it helps students get ready for various interview rounds but also conducts timely pre-placement sessions to equip them with relevant skills in their respective fields of study. It communicates and invites new recruiters to campus. Getting all students placed in good companies is the ultimate goal because nowadays the main goal of professional education is employment itself.​

Off Campus Placement Cell:

An Off-Campus Placement Cell, refers to the idea of a department within the colleges group that specifically focuses on helping students find and secure job opportunities outside of the traditional on-campus placement process, 100% placement is the ultimate goal.

Powerful Startup Incubation Cell:

Its aim is to encourage talented students to entrepreneurial ventures, transform their innovative ideas into viable businesses.   
Drive to Attract Students from across India and global: It refers strategic efforts under group to increase its student body by attracting students from various regions in India and internationally. 

Recruiters on Campus

Attract and bring maximum companies or recruiters to campus. Now recruiters do not prefer small colleges, so we need extra work to attract more recruiters. Manage a well-structured off-campus recruitment cell for ensuring 100% students' placement. In other words, the job placement of skilled students is the responsibility of colleges- we know that.

Student Exchange Program.

Conduct student exchange programs with Indian and international colleges- to improve interactions, experience and exposure.

Colleges the local knowledge center. 

Colleges to act as local knowledge and innovation center. 
Professional colleges can contribute to the economic success of a region/area by deepening the skills and knowledge—or human capital—of its residents, businesspeople, and industries. These colleges have a unique capacity to develop new skills and foster knowledge, and the potential to mobilize educational, technical, and management resources and provide skills for the local community, for their social and economic development. Indian development much depends on its professional education sector-  its quality and social commitment.

Happiness Cell

Manage happiness cell- make campus energetic and active always-feel students and staff proud to be in that college. 


All these together make colleges modern education centers and centers of excellence, where staff and management satisfied, students happier and employable is the outcome- for a better and prosperous Indian society. Because the entire world looks to India for skilled manpower. This is the rapid cost-effective path to growing India to Vishwa Guru. 

Consulting and pro. services
for private engineering, business, management
and commerce colleges?

Of course, to transform them to global standards, for better output. And colleges compatible to industry 4.0 and education 4.0- and grow to centers of excellence- in this fast-changing world.

Major challenges faced by engineering and business/management/commerce colleges in India.

There are two broad areas of 
challenges colleges are facing.
1-On the level of quality of education

(on the academic level)
2-On the level of infrastructure and management of colleges

India is the largest producer of engineers, and business/ commerce graduates around the globe in undergraduates, graduates, applied engineering, and science. Every second student is an engineering or business/commerce student. But it is a pity that India’s engineering and business/commerce colleges are going through crises due to the poor quality of education and lack of technical knowledge. Nearly 150 engineering colleges got shut down every year due to AICTE regulations.


India has more than 5000 engineering colleges, 3000 business/management colleges, and more than 10000 commerce colleges. But 90% of pass-outs don't have employability skills that match current industry demand. It may be shocking you.


Challenges to engineering colleges on the academic level.


For the last 10-20 years, colleges are more focused on getting higher admissions rates rather than giving students quality educations, which is the main objective of colleges. 

The admission rate is important but the retention rate is more important. And students will retain only when they will get the right education, learn the right technical expertise, and right guidance.


According to a recent study, the quality of engineering fellows from Russia and China is far better than India. Indian engineering students may have substantial gains in Maths and Critical Thinking at the beginning of their course as compared to Russia and China. But the overall higher-order thinking level of these students decreases by the end of the course.


Moreover, these colleges don’t have high-tech types of equipment for proper practical, no updated lab facility, no expert teachers, no qualified mentors, no training, internship and industry interactions, no live projects, and altogether there is no chance for an in-depth understanding of complex engineering concepts- and to grow to a modern engineer. Only theoretical knowledge will not address the industry demand. The end result is 90% of graduates don't have employability skills and matching employment.


Challenges to engineering colleges on the infrastructure and management level 

In this era of digitally advanced industry 4.0 age, only a few percentages of colleges have digital access. Now students, faculty, and parents look for a college infrastructure and management that equipped with advanced technology. They look for a transparent and more connected administrative system. They look for well-equipped labs and workshops. They look for the opportunity for practical and industry interaction. Unfortunately, not all the colleges are offering that and students have to compromise. 


Due to time-taking and complex academic operations, faculty have to spend their time on a trivial activity that doesn’t include anything to teach. Also, colleges face challenges in maintaining a prefixed and systematic program, course administration, and management of exams and curricula. The communications gap between faculty and students is also a big challenge to address.

The question do we want to increase our presence in the tech world or not?


Yes, we want that and to achieve that we have to address the challenges mentioned above of our technical institute. We have to focus on the quality of education along with the quantity of admissions.


Only digital transformation and industry 4.0 standards can be very helpful to reach new heights of potential. It can assist students, educators, and other administrative staff to focus on their primary goal and the chance to innovate. 

No doubt, India is set to be one of the leading players in the global education market with great innovations.


It is the time to beat these challenges to colleges and help them to produce the world's best engineers and managers again from the birthplace of Aryabhata and Abdul kalam.

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