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Cold Supply Chain

to revolutionize
kerala supply chain


BIGROWTEC is embarking on an ambitious project to revolutionize the cold supply chain infrastructure across Kerala, addressing a critical gap in the state's cold logistics and storage capabilities. Our plan includes the establishment of 15 multi-store cold storage facilities, strategically located to cover all districts in Kerala, complemented by a fleet of 100 cold carriers. Designed to support a capacity of 1000-1500 tons each, these facilities will not only serve as storage centers but will also feature dedicated areas for processing, packing, and exporting goods, like a mini food park.

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What We Do

Objectives. Support Local Economy: Enable merchants, exporters, and farmers to store, process, and sell their goods at optimal times for better value, avoiding seasonal price drops. Boost Food and Medicine Preservation: Address Kerala's critical need for cold storage facilities to prevent spoilage, especially in a state where temperatures and humidity can lead to rapid deterioration of perishable goods. Foster Entrepreneurship and Collaboration: Each unit operates under separate ownership, promoting entrepreneurial ventures while ensuring collaboration across the network for mutual benefits. Why a Cold Supply Chain? Kerala, being a consumer-centric and climatically hot state, possesses less than 20% of the cold storage capacity it needs, presenting a significant business opportunity. Modernization of the supply chain is essential for sustaining the state's growing demands, especially in vital sectors like food and medicine. The Role of BIGROWTEC. BIGROWTEC offers comprehensive support from concept to scale: Identifying and training potential entrepreneurs. Assisting in business planning and securing funding through various means. Guiding through infrastructure setup, machinery sourcing, and navigating regulatory requirements. Facilitating connections with clients and customers for sustained business growth. Implementing system automation for efficiency. Throughout management support. Financial Overview. The projected cost for establishing each unit ranges from 20 to 30 crore rupees, depending on capacity and location. With the high demand and essential nature of cold storage services, each facility is expected to reach profitability within 10-15 months, with a break-even point at 6-7 months. By generating 16-25% profit margins, the investment is projected to be fully recouped within 5-7 years. Socio-economic Impact. The project is poised to have a profound socio-economic impact in Kerala by: Reducing food wastage and saving money through efficient storage and supply chain management. Enhancing the livelihood of thousands of small-scale farmers by enabling them to sell their produce at better prices during off-seasons. Positioning Kerala as a key player in the export market by providing quality processing and packing facilities. By addressing these critical needs, BIGROWTEC’s cold supply chain project is set to play a pivotal role in transforming Kerala's economy at the grassroots level, promoting sustainable growth and prosperity for merchants, farmers, and the broader community.





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