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Management Service

We lead your business to your dream

Worker with Ladder

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

At BIGrowtec, the Business management service is the undertaking of full or partial operational control or professional management of a business enterprise or property or agri-plantation on an agreement. It is the handover of full or partial operational control or professional management of the business or property to a professional management company (here BIGrowtec is the professional management company) by the owner of the enterprise by a contract. Partial operational control means one or few departments' operational control like marketing, finance, production, export, etc.

BIGrowtec  Business management service undertake operational control or and professional m


In BIGrowtec, there are two management  services
1- Business management service. Undertaking operational control or management of enterprise on an agreement. Full or partial operational control or professional management of that business on an agreement. 
2- Property management service. It is the undertaking of supervision or daily oversight of residential, commercial, and industrial properties, including apartments, detached houses, condominium units, shopping centers, industrial parks, agri plantation properties, etc. 

Management Service

We offer business

management by an agreement.
A management contract is an arrangement under which operational control or professional management of an enterprise is handover to a professional group (here BIGrowtec) by the owner by an agreement- and that new group (here BIGrowtec) performs the necessary managerial functions or runs the business in return for a fee.  A management company (BIGrowtec) looks after and runs your business instead of you for efficiency and convenience.

For example- a businessman who owns several companies, cannot distribute his attention to every minute detail of each company. He needs some expert assistance with his work so he can concentrate on core field or more broader aspects. Otherwise, there are several small enterprises that cannot achieve success due to the lack of expertise of owners in one field or another. 

The contract management group can offer assistance in business management on agreement. On hiring such companies, the owner will have more time to concentrate on the core business and expansion of the business rather than on the day-to-day working of the companies. 

Such companies should hire contract management teams. This way they would not just be hiring an experienced employee but bring an entire team of efficient and experienced employees in technical fields of management, accountancy, marketing, etc.  Business management by contracts gives businessmen the assurance of the continuity of their business. 
Business management by the agreement- a small business owner gives operational control of a specific department or the entire enterprise to a management company like BIGrowtec considering better efficiency , revenue and growth. The management company will then take full responsibility of that particular business and its day-to-day operation, making all of the operational decisions necessary to keep that business running smoothly.

Typically, all functions and business goals of that specific department or of the entire enterprise are included in the contract. Compensations or remunerations to the Management company will then be determined on a fixed amount of money monthly for the contracted services, or you may compensate the contractors in the form of a percentage of the profits.

Under the management contract, the operational control of the enterprise would be in the hands of the management company. Therefore, the management company would be able to make all the operational decisions regarding the functions specified, i.e. purchase, production, marketing, advertising, sales, etc
The compensation and remuneration for the management company might be decided based on performance or it can be a set sum decided between the owner and management company. You might provide the management company a fixed monthly remuneration or a fixed percentage of the profit.

A management contract will always consist of three core components. That parts are:
The conditions of the contract –

The lengthiest and most detailed part of the management contract is naturally the conditions of it. The contract must clearly identify the parties involved and the functions that are being transferred to the management company. This includes the outline of the rules and responsibilities both parties have and the extent to which either party can influence the operational functions once the contract starts. To avoid confusion and conflict later on, the conditions must be clarified and the functions and operational responsibilities outlined in detail.

The duration of the agreement

The section specifies the duration for how long the management company will be in charge of the enterprise or department. The duration could range from a few months to years, and you might have set specific conditions for the duration. For example, if certain performance metrics are not met, the contract can be terminated sooner and so on.

The method of computing the management fees –

The management contract should also discuss the compensation method. As mentioned above, the method for computing the management fee can range from a set percentage, a set sum or a specified sum related to performance. An example fee could be a % of total revenue and/or a % of gross profit.

Management Service

Property management is the supervision or daily oversight of residential, commercial, and industrial properties, including apartments, detached houses, condominium units, shopping centers, industrial parks, agri plantation properties, etc. 

It typically involves administering property owned by another party or entity. Generally, property management includes taking responsibility for day-to-day repairs and ongoing maintenance, security, and upkeep of properties. Their main roles are to manage routine tasks delegated to them by the owners and to preserve the value of the properties they manage while generating income. Property managers assist owners in day-to-day maintenance, supervision, management,  creating budgets, advertising rental properties, qualify tenants, and collecting rent. 
As a property management company, we undertake the management responsibilities like

⦁ Leasing/renting- Advertises, finds, screens, and places a tenant
⦁ Screen and background checking potential tenants
⦁ Drafting, signing, and renewing leases on behalf of property owners
⦁ Collecting rent
⦁ Contract management
⦁ Accounting Services
⦁ Maintaining properties including landscaping and snow removal
⦁ Arranging for necessary repairs to properties
⦁ Setting up and adhering to budgets for property maintenance
⦁ Marketing properties
⦁ Accounting Services
⦁ Supervising other employees
⦁ Handling taxes



Property Management.

⦁  Homes
⦁  Vacation rentals
⦁  Homestay centers
⦁  Condominiums
⦁  Apartments
⦁  Flats
⦁  REO properties



Property Management.

⦁  Public accommodations like hotels, lodges 
⦁  Retail properties like malls, restaurants, and gas stations
⦁  Commercial centers- for rental purposes
⦁  Industrial spaces, retail spaces, etc
⦁  Co-working spaces, etc



Property Management

⦁  Large manufacturing facilities 
⦁  Small manufacturing factories such as food packaging
⦁  Warehouses
⦁  Cold storages
⦁  Distribution facilities



Property Management.

⦁  Theaters
⦁  Sports arenas
⦁  Resorts
⦁  Senior care facilities
⦁  Schools and colleges


Agri- Plantation

property management.

⦁    Agri plantations
⦁    Cattle farms
⦁    Chicken farms


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