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Biggies:"A Hub Where Entertainment, Enjoyment, and Empowerment of MSME Community Converge." 

Biggies is a private club focused on the total entertainment, enjoyment, and empowerment of MSME community; combining both physical, mental, and material activities that promote happiness, wellness, and total development.


This club was started because we felt like there is something missing in the MSME business community, because all people love to have a good time. This club is for the entertainment and enjoyment of members who wish to have a great time at very affordable cost. It has relax, fun, activities, entertainment, enjoyment, food, parties, and chill- a place for ultimate entertainment, enjoyment, and empowerment, at cost-effective collaborative way. 

Importance of this club: This club Fills members' Life With Happiness!


​Importance of Club
Frequent entertainment and club activities can refresh the mind and preserve physical and mental health as well as emotional well-being. It fosters friendships and networking. It also improves communication skills and boosts self-confidence. So, It will bring happiness, creativity, productivity, and efficiency into life; so, drives growth. Club activity is so important to business people, entrepreneurs, and employees to relieve stress and develop self-esteem and valuable social network. Thus, club and entertainment becomes an integral and important part of life and country's economy.

Biggies: A Total refreshment Club:
For MSME Community. 

Backyard entertainment

Club Membership
Reserved to 

  • MSME entrepreneurs

  • Merchants- Retail & wholesale

  • Owners- Hotel,  Restaurant and food services.

  • MSME Managers, executives, and supervisors.

  • IT & service entrepreneurs

  • Freelance entrepreneurs

  • Home-preneurs

  • Social-preneurs

  • All self employers

  • Entertainers and performers

Biggies entertainment club Kerala India

Few Main Personal Entertainment Club Activities (full listed below).

  • Food Club- enjoy all world foods

  • Cycling club

  • Touring club

  • Party club

  • Nightlife club

  • Spa/Massage club

  • Travel Club

  • Musical night club

  • Comedy night club

  • Brand Buying Club (dress & fashion)

  • Campfire cooking club. It is a club of clubs each member enjoys many activities- EnjoyEveryDay

Biggies | bigrowtec consulting pvt ltd

Few Main Personal Empowerment Club Activities

  • ​Management club

  • Marketing club

  • Future Leaders Club

  • Entrepreneurship club

  • Innovation club

  • Incubation club

  • Automation club

  • Mentoring Club

  • Networking club

  • ​

Along with entertainment and enjoyment, it is for personally and  professionally empowerment.


At Biggies, we understand that real success isn’t just about climbing the career ladder— but it’s about finding work-life balance, fostering connections, enjoying, entertaining, relaxing, and rejuvenating your spirit. Biggies is not your average club, It’s a dynamic community specially designed for middle and above middle-class individuals who are achievers in their own right—businesspersons, executives, successful self-employers, freelancers, and more. Here, we believe in merging professional empowerment with personal rejuvenation, offering a diverse array of services that cater to your multifaceted lifestyle, relaxation, and enjoyment needs.

Biggies Solves the Modern Challenges the Busy people facing: 

In today's fast-paced world, the active people- business people, new era merchants, executives, professionals, entrepreneurs, freelancers etc face the challenge of refreshing and balancing career ambitions with personal relaxation and rejuvenation. Biggies- a club of many clubs- addresses this need by providing a comprehensive one stop-shop platform where members can seamlessly integrate their professional growth with moments of leisure and personal enrichment. Biggies steps in as a solution by providing a centralized hub where club members can seamlessly integrate their professional ambitions with their desire for relaxation and enjoyment. Whether you're looking to expand your professional network, enhance your skills, or simply unwind in luxury and enjoyment or simply unwind with like-minded individuals, Biggies is your go-to destination. Biggies offers the perfect blend of private and personal services to meet your lifestyle needs.


"At Biggies, we meet the relaxation and empowerment needs of busy people:"

Now more than ever, all busy individuals seek environments that offer not only career growth opportunities but also opportunities for personal growth, relaxation, and enjoyment. The need for clubs like Biggies has never been more evident. In an era where stress and burnout is prevalent and work-life balance is crucial, professionals from all walks of life increasingly seek environments and platforms that offer holistic relaxation support. Biggies fulfills this need by curating a wide range of entertainment and empowerment services that cater to the diverse interests and schedules of its members. From career advancement workshops to luxurious spa retreats, from v.i.p parties to family cruise outing, each offering is designed to foster personal growth, happiness, and well-being.


Mission and Vision:
Our mission at Biggies is to provide a sanctuary where busy individuals- like businesspersons, executives, NRIs, successful self-employers, freelancers, and more can unwind, recharge, refresh, and find the strength to tackle their daily challenges. We aim to offer a comprehensive range of services that cater to the multifaceted relaxation needs of our members, ensuring their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Our vision is to create a dynamic club of like minded community that supports professional empowerment and personal rejuvenation, fostering a culture of continuous growth and holistic well-being.


Core Values:

  • Holistic Well-being: We prioritise the overall well-being of our members, offering services that cater to their physical, mental, and emotional health.

  • Community: We foster a sense of community, encouraging connections and collaborations among our members.

  • Empowerment: We provide resources and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

  • Excellence: We strive for excellence in all our services, ensuring the highest quality experiences for our members.

  • Balance: We promote a balanced lifestyle, helping members achieve harmony between their professional and personal lives.

One Stop-Shop for Comprehensive
Club Services 
and Activities-
Affordable to All.

Biggies: The Ultimate Multi-Services Club offers a broad range of services designed to refresh, relax, rejuvenate, and empower busy individuals such as small business owners, entrepreneurs, executives, managers, successful self-employed people, and freelancers. Below is a detailed list of core services and activities categorized under few sub-headings.

Biggies sports club

Sports and Adventure Club

Details:  Sports Activities: Team Sports: Football, volleyball, cricket, badminton, etc.  Individual Sports: Track and field (running, jumping, throwing events), swimming, cycling, rock climbing (competitive aspect), martial arts (various styles), etc. Recreational Sports: Bowling, table tennis, archery, frisbee golf, etc. Fitness Activities: Aerobics sessions, group fitness classes, yoga, Pilates, etc. Adventure Activities: Land-based Activities:  Trekking, hiking, camping, rock climbing, cycling, mountain biking, rappelling, obstacle course racing, speleunking. Water-based Activities: Swimming, rafting, kayaking/canoeing, scuba diving/snorkeling, surfing, stand-up paddleboarding, sailing. Importance: Promotes physical fitness, builds resilience, and fosters a spirit of adventure, contributing to personal growth and well-roundedness.


Travel Club

Details:  Travel Talks and Presentations,  Language Learning Sessions: Basic language classes in languages spoken in popular travel destinations. Trip Planning and Support: Group Trips: The club organizes group tours or outings to various destinations for a sense of community and shared experience. Trip-Sharing Platform: A platform within the club allows members to share travel plans, experiences, and recommendations. Travel Partner Matching: The club helps members find travel companions with similar interests or destinations. Social and Networking Activities: Additional Activities: Volunteer Travel Programs: The club explores opportunities for members to participate in volunteer programs while traveling. Travel Photography Workshops: Learning basic photography skills or editing techniques to capture travel memories. Travel Gear Demonstrations: Experts or experienced travelers showcase travel gear and offer advice on choosing equipment. Discounts and Partnerships: The club negotiates discounts on travel-related services (hotels, flights, tours) for its members. Importance: Provides opportunities for cultural exploration, relaxation, and broadening perspectives, enhancing personal enrichment and global awareness.

Japanese Feast

Food Club

Details:  Cooking-focused activities: Themed Cooking Classes: Learn to prepare dishes from specific cuisines like Italian, Thai, Mexican, or Indian. Potlucks with a Twist: Each member brings a dish based on a chosen theme (e.g., vegetarian delights, childhood favorites, desserts around the world). Skills Workshops: Hone specific culinary skills like knife handling, bread baking, cheesemaking, or food presentation. Member Recipe Swaps: Members share their favorite recipes and prepare them for others to taste. Blind Taste Tests: Challenge members' palates by having them identify mystery ingredients or dishes blindfolded. Kitchen Challenges: Teams compete in creating dishes with a set of mystery ingredients within a time limit. Food Exploration Activities: Progressive Dinners: Members travel to different food destinations and members' homes for appetizers, main courses, and desserts, experiencing a multi-course meal in various settings. Restaurant Reviews and Outings: The club organizes outings to try new restaurants, followed by discussions about the food, service, and ambiance. Food Truck Festivals or Farmers Market Visits: Group outings to explore local food trucks or farmers markets, allowing members to discover new ingredients and cuisines. International Food Nights: Members prepare or bring dishes of a chosen country, creating a global culinary feast. Food History Talks: Presentations on the history of specific foods, cuisines, or culinary traditions. Social and Networking Activities: Cooking Competitions with Prizes: Members compete in creating dishes based on a specific theme, judged by fellow members or professional chefs. Cooking Demonstrations by Guest Chefs: Invite professional or experienced home cooks to showcase their skills and signature dishes. Food and Wine Pairing Workshops: Learn about pairing different types of food with complementary wines. Movie and Music Nights with Food Themes: Watch movies with food-centric themes, followed by discussions and themed snacks or meals. Charitable Cooking Events: Members cook together and donate meals to a local charity or shelter. Importance: Cultivates appreciation for diverse cuisines, social interaction, and culinary arts, contributing to refined taste and lifestyle enhancement.

Martial Arts Class

Wellness Club

Details:  Physical Activities: Fitness Classes: Group exercise classes for various fitness levels and interests, such as yoga, Pilates, Zumba, aerobics, strength training, dance fitness, etc. Outdoor Activities: Hiking, biking, swimming, team sports (volleyball, basketball, soccer), etc., promoting physical activity in nature. Martial Arts Classes: Training in various disciplines like karate, taekwondo, self-defense, etc., for self-improvement, fitness, and stress relief. Mind-Body Workouts: Activities like Tai Chi or yoga that combine physical postures with mindfulness and breathing exercises, promoting relaxation and stress management. Healthy Cooking Demonstrations: Learn how to prepare nutritious and delicious meals, fostering healthy eating habits. Mental and Emotional Wellbeing Activities: Meditation and Mindfulness Sessions: Guided meditations and mindfulness practices to cultivate focus, reduce stress, and improve emotional well-being. Stress Management Workshops: Learn techniques for managing stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, promoting emotional resilience. Yoga Nidra Sessions: Deep relaxation technique that promotes inner peace and rejuvenation. Support Groups: Groups focused on specific challenges like weight loss, chronic illness, or mental health, offering peer support and connection. Workshops on Healthy Sleep Habits: Learn about sleep hygiene and techniques for getting a good night's sleep, crucial for overall well-being. Social and Educational Activities: Wellness Talks and Lectures: Guest speakers or experts on topics like nutrition, mindfulness, healthy relationships, alternative therapies, etc. Health Screenings: Periodic health screenings (blood pressure, body composition) to monitor health and identify potential risks early. Wellness Challenges: Fun competitions that encourage healthy habits, like step challenges, healthy recipe contests, or mindful minutes tracked. Social Events with a Healthy Twist: Healthy potlucks, hikes with social gatherings, or movie nights with healthy snacks, promoting social connection while maintaining healthy choices. Book Clubs on Wellness Topics: Discuss books on various wellness themes like nutrition, mindfulness, or self-care, fostering learning and community. Additional Activities: Spa or Massage Discounts: Partner with local spas or massage therapists to offer members discounted services. Fitness Apparel and Gear Swap: Organize a swap meet where members can exchange gently used fitness clothing and equipment. Volunteer Opportunities: Partner with organizations that promote healthy living or support those in need, fostering a sense of purpose and community. pen_spark Importance: Promotes relaxation, reduces stress, enhances physical and mental well-being, supporting overall health and vitality.

Professional Female

Development Club

Details:  Skill-Building Activities: Workshops and Seminars: Host workshops on relevant topics like leadership skills, communication skills, project management, negotiation techniques, industry-specific software training, etc. Book Clubs with Professional Focus: Discuss business books related to leadership, negotiation, communication, or specific industry trends. Skill-Sharing Sessions: Members with expertise in specific areas can lead sessions sharing their knowledge and experience with others. Mentorship Programs: Match experienced members with mentees seeking guidance and career advice. Mock Interviews and Career Coaching: Offer mock interviews and career coaching sessions to help members prepare for job applications and career transitions. Networking and Collaboration Activities: Industry Networking Events: Organize events to connect members with professionals from different companies within the industry. Company Visits: Arrange tours of relevant companies to gain insights into different work environments and industry practices. Panel Discussions: Invite industry leaders or successful professionals to share their experiences and insights in a panel discussion format. Member Spotlights: Feature member success stories and career journeys to inspire and motivate others. Speed Networking Events: Facilitate quick introductions between members to promote networking and build connections. Knowledge-Sharing Activities: Case Study Discussions: Analyze real-world business cases and discuss strategies and solutions implemented by different companies. Tech Talks and Innovation Sessions: Invite experts to present on emerging technologies and their potential impact on various industries. Guest Speaker Series: Invite industry leaders and experts to give talks on current trends, challenges, and opportunities within the relevant field. Conference Attendance as a Group: Organize group attendance at relevant industry conferences for a more enriching experience and shared learning. Member-Led Presentations: Encourage members to present their work, research, or expertise on topics relevant to the group. Additional Activities: Professional Development Resource Sharing: Create a platform where members can share valuable resources like articles, podcasts, or online courses. Volunteer Activities: Organize volunteer projects related to the industry to give back to the community and build teamwork skills. Social Events with a Professional Twist: Host social gatherings with career development themes, like industry mixers or "career casual" coffee chats. Book Exchanges or Online Book Clubs: Facilitate the exchange or discussion of professional development books to share knowledge and learning. Career Development Resources and Tools: Compile and offer access to career development tools, job boards, and resume writing resources. pen_spark Importance: Facilitates career advancement, skill enhancement, and goal achievement, fostering personal and professional excellence.

Business Networking

Business Networking & Marketing Club

Details:  Networking Activities: Business After Hours: Informal gatherings at restaurants or bars to connect with fellow members in a relaxed setting. Industry Mixers: Events focused on connecting professionals from specific industries, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Coffee Chats: One-on-one or small group meetings to facilitate introductions and build relationships with other members. Mentorship Programs: Pair experienced members with mentees seeking guidance and career advice in the business and marketing fields. Speed Networking Events: Short, structured meetings between members to maximize networking opportunities in a limited time. Skill-Building Activities: Workshops and Seminars: Host workshops on relevant marketing topics like social media marketing, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, branding, market research, etc. Marketing Case Study Discussions: Analyze real-world marketing campaigns and discuss the strategies, successes, and lessons learned. Book Clubs with Marketing Focus: Discuss books on marketing trends, strategies, and successful marketing campaigns. Skill-Sharing Sessions: Members with expertise in specific marketing areas can lead sessions to share their knowledge and experience with others. Guest Speaker Series: Invite marketing professionals, entrepreneurs, or industry leaders to give talks on current marketing trends, challenges, and best practices. Knowledge-Sharing Activities: Marketing Technology Talks: Invite experts to present on emerging marketing technologies and tools, helping members stay up-to-date. Member Spotlights: Feature member success stories in marketing campaigns or business ventures to inspire and motivate others. Panel Discussions: Invite marketing experts or successful business owners to discuss industry trends, challenges, and share insights. Conference Attendance as a Group: Organize group attendance at relevant marketing or business conferences for a more enriching experience and shared learning. Additional Activities: Company Tours: Arrange tours of local businesses to gain insights into their marketing strategies and brand experiences. Website and Social Media Reviews: Offer peer feedback sessions where members can receive constructive criticism and suggestions for their business websites and social media profiles. Marketing Resource Sharing: Create a platform where members can share valuable resources like articles, marketing templates, or online marketing tools. Volunteer Activities: Organize volunteer projects that involve marketing or business skills, allowing members to give back to the community and build teamwork. Social Events with a Marketing Twist: Host social gatherings with marketing-related themes, like case study competitions or "marketing idea" brainstorming sessions. Job Board and Career Resources: Maintain a job board with marketing-related positions and offer career development resources like resume writing workshops or interview coaching. Importance: Builds professional connections, expands business opportunities, enhances visibility and influence in the industry, crucial for career growth and entrepreneurial success.

Playing Soccer

Family Recreation Club

Details: Activities for All Ages: Arts & Crafts Workshops: Workshops for families to create art projects together, like painting, pottery, or jewelry making. Swimming Pool Activities: Games, contests, or simply enjoying pool time together during the warmer months (if the club has a pool). Scavenger Hunts: Organize themed scavenger hunts around the club or a local park, encouraging teamwork and problem-solving skills. Family Sports Tournaments: Organize friendly tournaments for various sports like basketball, volleyball, or badminton, fostering a sense of competition and teamwork among families. Cooking Classes for Families: Fun and educational cooking classes where families learn to prepare a specific dish together, promoting teamwork and healthy eating habits. Activities for Different Age Groups: Children's Play Areas: Supervised play areas with age-appropriate toys and activities for younger children, allowing parents to relax while their kids have fun. Teen Activities: Organize movie nights, game nights, or social events specifically for teenagers, catering to their interests and providing a safe space to socialize. Adult Fitness Classes: Offer a variety of fitness classes like yoga, Zumba, or aerobics for adults, promoting health and well-being. Book Clubs for Parents: Book club discussions with a focus on parenting or family-related topics, fostering a sense of community and shared experiences among parents. Educational Talks and Workshops: Organize talks or workshops on topics relevant to families, such as child development, healthy living, or financial planning. Additional Activities: Seasonal Events: Celebrate holidays or seasonal events with themed activities, decorations, and festivities for the whole family. Camping Trips: Organize family camping trips to national parks or campgrounds, promoting outdoor recreation and bonding experiences in nature. Talent Show for Kids: Organize a talent show specifically for children, allowing them to showcase their talents and build confidence in a supportive environment. Family Fitness Challenges: Organize fun challenges like step competitions or family walks/runs to encourage physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. Guest Entertainment: Invite performers, musicians, or magicians for family-friendly entertainment shows, adding variety to the club's offerings. Importance: Strengthens family bonds, promotes shared experiences, and supports personal growth through family values and connections.

Beach Painting

Culture Club

Details: Educational Activities: Cultural Presentations: Guest speakers or members can present on specific cultures, their traditions, history, art forms, or languages. Film Screenings: Documentaries or movies focused on different cultures can spark discussions and broaden perspectives. Language Learning Sessions: Offer basic language classes in languages spoken in various cultures, fostering cultural understanding. Book Clubs with a Cultural Focus: Discuss books set in different cultures or by authors from diverse backgrounds, promoting intercultural understanding. Cultural Food Tastings: Sample traditional dishes from various cultures, accompanied by discussions about the cuisine and its significance. Experiential Activities: International Festivals and Events: Organize celebrations of cultural holidays or festivals from around the world, allowing members to experience traditions firsthand. Cultural Cooking Classes: Learn to prepare traditional dishes from different cultures, gaining hands-on experience and appreciating culinary diversity. Museum or Art Gallery Visits: Organize group outings to museums or art galleries with exhibits on different cultures, offering enriching experiences. Cultural Dance Workshops: Learn basic dance styles from various cultures, promoting cultural appreciation through movement and music. Ethnic Restaurant Outings: Try restaurants serving cuisines from different cultures, expanding culinary horizons and fostering cultural appreciation. Creative Activities: International Music Nights: Showcase music from various cultures, allowing members to discover new genres and artists. Cultural Arts and Crafts Workshops: Learn traditional crafts or art forms from different cultures, like calligraphy, origami, or pottery. Multilingual Talent Show: A talent show where members can showcase their talents in different languages or perform cultural dances or songs. Cultural Fashion Shows: Organize a fashion show where members can wear traditional clothing from various cultures, celebrating cultural diversity through attire. Filmmaking Competitions: Organize competitions where members create short films exploring cultural themes or stories. Social and Networking Activities: International Potlucks: Each member brings a dish from a chosen culture, creating a global culinary feast and fostering cultural exchange. Pen Pal Programs: Connect members with pen pals from other cultures to practice language skills and learn about each other's lives. Cultural Exchange Programs: Partner with cultural organizations or schools abroad to facilitate exchange programs for members to experience another culture firsthand. International Game Nights: Play traditional games from various cultures, promoting cultural understanding through fun and competition. Volunteer Activities: Organize volunteering opportunities that involve cultural exchange or supporting cultural institutions. Additional Activities: Cultural Debates: Organize debates on cultural topics, encouraging respectful discussions and fostering open-mindedness. Travelogues and Guest Speaker Series: Invite travelers or people who have lived abroad to share their experiences and insights about different cultures. Cultural Resource Sharing: Create a platform where members can share resources like travel blogs, documentaries, or cultural events happening in the local area. Discounts and Partnerships: Partner with cultural institutions (museums, language schools) to offer members discounts on programs or events. Importance: Stimulates creativity, fosters intellectual growth, and promotes cultural appreciation, enriching personal perspectives and creativity.

Romantic Sunset

Intimate & Personal
Care Club

premium members only

Details: Relationship and Communication Activities: (In this club section, selected services are need based and accessible only for selected premium members) Workshops on Healthy Communication: Learn effective communication skills for building strong and fulfilling relationships. Singles Events: Organized social gatherings for singles to meet new people in a safe and positive environment. Fun packed special interest tour packages and campfire programs. Dating Etiquette Discussions: Open discussions about navigating the dating world in a respectful and safe manner. Social Connection Activities: Board Game Nights: Casual evenings playing board games, fostering social connection and fun in a relaxed setting. Movie and Music Nights with Relationship Themes: Watch movies/musics that explore themes of love, relationships, and intimacy, followed by discussions. Relationship counseling and personalized services. Book Clubs with Relationship Focus: Discuss books on relationships, communication, or self-love, promoting personal growth and connection. Self-Care and Body Positivity Activities: Workshops on Building Confidence: Develop self-confidence and improve self-esteem through interactive workshops. Mindfulness and Stress Management Techniques: Learn effective techniques for managing stress and promoting relaxation. Art Therapy or Creative Expression Workshops: Explore creative expression as a tool for self-discovery and emotional well-being. Healthy Lifestyle Workshops: Learn about healthy eating habits, exercise routines, and creating a balanced lifestyle. Sexual Wellness and Education Activities : Sex Positive Talks: Talks by qualified professionals on healthy sexual practices, communication, and fostering a positive body image related to sexuality Menstrual Health Workshops: Open discussions or workshops on menstrual health, hygiene, and managing menstrual cycles. Relationship Workshops: Workshops on healthy communication, boundaries, and fostering positive relationships. Importance: Enhances emotional well-being, fosters intimacy and communication skills, and supports personal fullfillment and relationship excellence.


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